This is my favourite game ever by far. Words cannot explain how much I love this game, I literally had a full-body cathartic experience while playing it (if you played it you know why). I have to admit tho that once the game is beaten it's not much fun at all to go back to it, as the most enjoyable and satisfying aspect of the game is to decode the logic behind the puzzles and understand everything as you move along, but it still allows for a pretty long gameplay of up to 30+ hours.

I don't hate this game as much as people seem to hate it. In fact, I don't hate it at all. I never had any issues with the motion controls, it was even quite fun for me as a younger boy to shake my remote side to side to swing the sword, but it's true they were not very responsive, so I understand why people criticise them. I also never had any problems with the linearity of the game, I think it fits pretty well with the Zelda way of explaining a story. The dungeon designs were amazing too, but I do agree that it got a bit repetitive sometimes, especially with the bosses (Girahim and the Imprisoned).

Very interesting gimmick, and they're able to make a full game out of it. I wouldn't say it's very mindblowing tho, nor replayable, but it is nonetheless a nice experience

Super cool game! Surprisingly the gameplay doesn't get boring as the fish variety is quite broad, and in the end the story is quite satisfactory. The visuals are very nice, but sadly I don't think the game is very replayable. It's not very short tho

Yes it improves on most of the gameplay flaws that the first game had, but the story is soooo empty and boring this time :( and exploring the world of Rapture doesn't feel remotely as interesting and engaging as it felt on the first game. But of course, John Levine and his team were not part of the development of this game, so what else is there to be expected...

It's nothing special, especially comparing it to the whole New Super Mario Bros. franchise we have now, but it gave me many hours of entertainment when I was young, picking my mum up and throwing her off the cliff :)

The whole point of this game is that it will never be Undertale 2, and yet the only comment I can think of is that it fails to be Undertale 2... maybe the mistake was trying to relate to Undertale in any way in the first place. However, the music is crazy good, even better than the Undertale OST (and that's a BIG statement)

I think I never laughed so hard with any other game in my life, and still, the whole vibe of the game is so unsettling and existential somehow... Really unique gameplay, although I agree with many other reviews that coming back to the same game just to check the new content might have not been ideal, even if the new content was as witty and entertaining as the original game, if not even more.

For a 2D Zelda this was very very cool!

The only negative remarks that this game receives are in regards to the optimisation, frame rates and graphics, and those are all things I don't usually care about unless they really complicate the gameplay and make the experience uncomfortable. Playing Subnautica was an incredible experience that I'm super glad I could have without previous knowledge or spoilers. Exploring the world was so incredibly cool and the story that slowly unveils itself is very engaging and mysterious

Started it twice and stopped playing it twice, but it's not cause I wasn't enjoying it! The visuals are super cute and colourful and the remade music is incredibly amazing, but idk why 2D Zeldas don't hook me up as hard... but I'll finally go through it one day I promise

I know nostalgia plays a huge part in this, but this is by far my favourite Zelda game. It has the best story of all, the best dungeon design, the best companion, amazing visuals, amazing characters and a very satisfying fighting and movement. I've played it more than 10 times and still enjoy it so much. Can't wait for the Switch port!

A very cosy game which is cute and fun to play, but can get a bit boring and repetitive quickly

Crazy how original this game felt back in the day, and it aged really well too! I still enjoy playing it again even if I already know all of its secrets, cause the gameplay is super fun!

Classic indie game experience. Very heartfelt game design with unique visuals and funny remarks, and also a very enjoyable gameplay! I really like it when things get overwhelming :) I wish it had a bit more replayability tho...