Favourite game from my childhood. As I said in my Odyssey review, this game had some transcendental and magical qualities to it that really touched some deeper sides of me. The amount of nostalgia I have with this game is insane.

The only negative remarks that this game receives are in regards to the optimisation, frame rates and graphics, and those are all things I don't usually care about unless they really complicate the gameplay and make the experience uncomfortable. Playing Subnautica was an incredible experience that I'm super glad I could have without previous knowledge or spoilers. Exploring the world was so incredibly cool and the story that slowly unveils itself is very engaging and mysterious

I would argue that it's a perfect game, but the fact that I already extensively explored the same world in BotW beforehand diminished one of the biggest and most enjoyable aspects of this game, which is exploration and freedom, so I felt that I didn't enjoy that part as much as I did in BotW. However, the nudges to many original Zelda mechanics and storytelling combined with the new open world format was really perfect. Can't wait to see what comes out of this in future Zelda games with new worlds and stories.

For a lot of people this is the Zelda experience; once they defined the new 3D Zelda formula with OoT, they then used it as a canvas to explore darker themes and new gameplay/storytelling mechanics. Personally, it never got to me as much as it got to other people, I preferred the more story-driven experience of OoT in comparison to the 3 day cycle/loop of MM, as well as the vast array of amazing dungeons in the former. Nevertheless, I can obviously recognise it as the amazing game that it is.

Really great game, it's very satisfying to explore fixed worlds in search for moons hidden around without having to follow some narratives or linear paths, feels like that was the original 3D Mario concept all the way back to Mario 64. However, idk to me it lacks that magical and trascendental feel that Super Mario Galaxy had, which always brings me so much nostalgia whenever I think about it or listen to the music. It might be connected to age tho.

Masterpiece masterpiece masterpiece, had me laughing my ass off, crying, going through existential crises while also mentioning very relevant political topics and getting you involved in them. Amazing roleplaying that leads to very personal experiences and a lot of replayability and surprises, I can't recommend this game enough why haven't you played it ALREADY!

Super fun! Ended up playing Salmon Run much more than I played normal multiplayer. The idea behind the game is genius and I'm happy it became a Nintendo staple

I'm so insanely happy I played this with no background information AT ALL. It was one of my favourite games in my teenage years. It really felt that the content of the game was never ending, there was always something new being discovered

why the hell is this here is this some sort of joke

Farming sims might not be your thing, but if they are this game is just perfect. I didn't even know if I liked farming sims myself, I never liked Animal Crossing for example, but with the amount of creativity this game offers combined with the relaxed gameplay, heartfelt stories and the huge amount of content, this game really captivated me. I also found it super useful to learn new languages!

It's unveliebable how well this game aged. Played it not long ago and it was still extremely enjoyable and engaging. It also defined the future of the modern 3D Zelda franchise

I hate shooters and I absolutely loved this game, nothing else should be added. Never experienced anything as inmersive as this. The story is also exquisite. The final boss sucks but I don't really care, the entire way there was more than worth it.

PS: I forgot to mention that the music in this game is INSANELY good

Classic indie game experience. Very heartfelt game design with unique visuals and funny remarks, and also a very enjoyable gameplay! I really like it when things get overwhelming :) I wish it had a bit more replayability tho...

When it came out I would have given it 5 stars, but in retrospective Tears of the Kingdom showed many flaws that this game had. Nevertheless, it's an incredibly fresh reimagining of the Zelda format and franchise that will forever be a turning point in videogame history.

As a wannabe linguist/language nerd I'm super conflicted, because I'm extremely happy this game exists and it was an absolute pleasure to play through it, but I also felt that it was a bit too easy on the linguistic side, and it could have gone much much further with the concept and play with many different grammatical aspects, but I understand that then it wouldn't be suitable for all types of casual players. Nevertheless, this game was made for people like me and I'm infinitely thankful for it