38 reviews liked by eyebrowsbaby

I only checked it out very briefly, but how did they release this without being sued by Blasphemous devs? Let's look at the similarities:

1. Same subgenre - a soulslike, 2D metroidvania RPG.

2. Same grimdark atmosphere - Blasphemous is Spanish Gothic, this is more traditional dark gothic (ala Bloodborne).

3. Same artstyle - both are very intricately-painted pixel art games.

4. Both rely on the same basic gameplay loop - traverse a 2D platform level, kill enemies, rest at checkpoints (which differ only visually), fast travel across unlock waypoints using other waypoints etc.

5. Hell, even the BOSS DEATH EFFECT is exactly the same - once the boss health goes down to zero, the game goes slow-mo for a second, and the screen becomes a two-tone color - one for the silhouette of the boss, and another for the rest of the scene. They didn't even bother to come up with a new boss death effect????

The only visible difference I can see, minus the slightly uncohesive UI design, is that the PC is voiced, and there are actual RPG-like dialogues (which makes it less interesting, not more).

I only tried this out of curiosity, not out of any plan to play it properly, so no rating.

Very strong "we have Blasphemous at home" energy.

fave part of the game is when some dude and the girl he's been flirting with are being haunted by a murderous ghost and instead of sticking together he goes to take a shit and the game developer has him pull out his phone to look at the dev's website and talk about how cool they are. truly fantastic

I had fun playing with friends and only with friends. Any time I stepped into public lobbies, I'd get tunneled, camped and abandoned. Can't really get better at the game if I can't actually play it.

I used to love it with friends, but now it's completely broken, new killers and maps aren't so exciting. Playing as a killer you will probably have a bad time fighting with some 4 premades with 500h+ each.

I remember convincing so many of my friends to play this with me just so I could lead them to the cafe and shit on them in mancala

i sat and i completed this the day i got it and i havent felt normal since. i literally played this game for like 12 hours straight with no breaks. im still not over it, months later.

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Have played trough neutral, but havent done the pacifist nor the genocide route. I only killed one person to end up with the neutral route: Toriel. I regret nothing.

Amazing game notheless!

An arcade-horror game that is a complete mess at this point. Characters are getting balanced back and forth every update and the community is oozing with toxicity. That being said I still play it to death. Get ready for one helluva grind, this game is not kind with your time.

One of the most unbalanced multiplayer online games yet one of the funniest.

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