Rip to my Card-Jitsu addiction as a kid

Never played it but I watched tons of lets plays back when it was popular (I was a broke teen TTOTT) and it was so good I used a quote from the game in my high school yearbook photo.

Played this back in 2019 and it was fun but gets repetitive, has too many bugs, unbalanced gameplay, the official forums are too dictatorship heavy and has a toxic community. Can be frustrating to play, especially with toxic players but is still fun with friends and if played in short bursts rather than playing every day, for example. Overall I still like the game but it needs a lot fixed.

The story and soundtrack really made this game for me. I felt like I was watching a movie the whole time and I cried throughout.

Now I get that the dialogue for Neil and Eva was supposed to be funny comedic relief and maybe they are funny to other players but to me it almost ruined the experience. I actually almost quit the game many times because of their unfunny dialogue. The characters themselves would be lovable to me if there was better balance with their comedy in this game.

Another issue I had was the game always telling me where to go with arrows and telling me how to walk every time a new scene ended. It was too hand holdy for me but that's a personal preference.

Otherwise this game is worth playing for the story and soundtrack alone. Definitely good for players who want a game that's light on puzzles and gameplay elements with a focus on story.

Love the game, it truly is a hidden gem. Haven't finished because I got stuck on a boss. I plan to finish it one day.

A game I come back to every year or few years once I've forgotten all the details about it so I can experience the game again as if it was my first time playing.

(Original Steam review)
Loved the story, gameplay, characters and replayablity of the game. I honestly can't get enough of this beautifully produced game so I thank everyone who worked on it for caring enough about it to make it as good as it is.

One of the best Pokemon games I have ever played. Tons of heart, quality gameplay and story.

I think this is the version I played as a kid? Anyways, it was amazing and I loved N so much! The writing, gameplay, graphics, just everything about this game made it the best Pokemon game for me and I still feel that way as an adult now.

Played this on a pc emulator but I wish it would come to other platforms. I love this game and everything was so good about it.

Best game in the franchise but I am biased and never played the others. This game was so fun to play and I have great memories of playing it on my iphone as a kid using an emulator app on the phone. Good times.

A pretty mess. Love the graphics but that's it. It's grossly overpriced for what you get and you need mods to even make the game somewhat fun to play. The expansions barely help. Waste of my money and time. I barely play it now.

Best version of the sims imo. Had way too much fun in it. Yeah it has its flaws but it felt alive unlike the games that come after it (with the sims 3 as an exception because it was fun too)

Amazing game that made my childhood. Sadly never finished it because my version bugged out on the PS3 during a big boss battle (got it on the store) so I ended up back to my last checkpoint which took away so much progress. It's a tough game, is stingy with checkpoints and saves but is overall still a gem in my eyes.

I loved this game so much as a teen. Got it for free on origin because they gave it away for a certain amount of time. I got all the way to the dwarf kingdom part but had to stop because I messed up in not bringing along a specific follower needed to beat a certain boss. I sadly rage quit because I refused to restart the game. I really need to play it again now because I've forgotten so much of it but I will never forget falling in love with Alastair.

Loved this game! I played it on the Wii as a teen but never finished it because it was my friend's copy that she let me borrow for a week. Hopefully I'll be able to buy it one day. Nothing but great memories from this game.