Very slow paced, but that is a necessary evil for what this game builds into. 100% worth a playthrough but has its flaws

A high point for the series. Estelle is one of the best JRPG protagonists I've ever experienced, and is surrounded by an excellent supporting cast. Non-stop action with a plot that over-delivers and creates an amazingly interesting world that I can't wait to explore in future Trails games.

This is hands down one of my favorite JRPGs ever and holds up incredibly well - especially if you use the evo voice mod.

Fun Game with friends, a bit knowledge checky but a really fun way to use proximity chat

Good game but poorly paced. Kind of a Falcom classic when it comes to the first game of a new arc. I still enjoyed the characters and the setting of Erebonia is incredibly interesting. Looking forward to how this story arc progresses in future titles.

Cold Steel 3 has one of the worst gameplay loops of any Trails game I've played so far, and each loop drags on for far longer than it needs to.
However, the actual content of this game is quite good. I loved the character development that New Class 7 got, and the stories told in each field exercise location were very gripping. Plus the finale was a crazy sprint to the finish packed with crazy lore drops, plot twists, and a compelling ending.
Overall I think if I had a bigger gap between each Trails game I would have enjoyed this more - waiting a few years vs a few weeks to go from CS2 -> CS3 probably burned me out on the repetitive cold steel gameplay loop. I think CS3 is still my favorite game in the Erebonia arc so far tho, and I'm excited for CS4 but might take a bit of a break in between games this time.

CS2 felt like someone trying to copy Sky SC's homework. It's a fairly similar game that hits similar beats, but is just missing that special something. Whether that's the character writing, the pacing, or a secret third thing who knows. Just kind of missed the mark for me personally

Great card based rogulelike, feels like a fresh of breath air in the genre but I am still waiting to see how much replayability there is in this game