34 reviews liked by finalresort

Okay I dropped this game but I researched the rest of what I had left. This game just isn't for me but I respect it as a work of art and as a pinnacle of what is possible with the medium's language. I just found it such a chore to play and the story was just good to me

I don't trust mfs who gave this 3 stars or under

Giratina flying in front of the screen still makes me flinch to this day.

This is probably my favourite mainline pokemon game. It is THE definitive way to explore Sinnoh.

The superior Pokemon game (besides maybe HGSS and Black/White 2 idk). I've probably put more hours into this throughout my life than any other video game.

And yet I still get fucked up by Cynthia almost every time lol I'm just bad at video games okay

one of the most positive games i have ever played. it's all about the beauty in the simpler things in life, and i absolutely love it. i love the writing, i love the world, it's really great.

Never ever again in my life do I want to play this horrible game on this horrible console that is the PSP.

this game is vampire survivors but epic because it has an actual style and gameplay that requires more active participation.

It has the satisfying feeling of getting stronger and killing more enemies. But here's the best part: After all that - it ends. The game doesn't go on forever, turning into a tedious monotony. It's fun, you get stronger, beat the game, and then you're done.

Love the music.



it's funny bc a lot of this game doesn't hit where it wants to at all. specifically most of the major horror moments, even really the main twist. this is a favorite for a two reaasons despite this.

one is that i haven't played many rpgs (though i want to play more!) and therefore am mostly invulnerable to most of what this game does probably having better imitators

two is that despite the aforementioned, honestly pretty glaring flaws in its storytelling, there are a couple smaller moments in here that shine really bright to me. i did the hikikomori route first, and in there (spoilers? idk get out of the reviews for this game) there's a moment where it finally clicks that basil has been truly forgotten. there is no purpose to headspace anymore. you're not even really sure why you're there anymore, and realizing that made me cry. this moment is not subtle. nothing in this is this game is subtle. but it, and a few other things throughout, connected with me in ways not much media does. i consume a lot of media, a lot of it much more deftly constructed than the story of omori, and a lot of it covering similar territory. but something about this still sits with me and punches parts of my memory that have never been accessed by anyone else before

Hyper-realism and its consequences have been a disaster for the videogame medium

2 lists liked by finalresort