Quite literally flying high and fast. Good 'ol amusement park ride. But by the end, idk something was just kind of missing for me. It felt short even though my playtime was verbatim to the first. It felt story light even though so much happened. Some little funk to the air but I had a great great time. I love spidey interiors and the fantastic side content.

Incredible puzzles and design, peak engaging survival horror. It's masterful use of literary, historical and musical references, and it's cosmic horror, with beautiful thematic expression of humanity, memories, technological advancement, and oppression from a fascist regime, were awe-inspiring. This goes down as an all-time great, and is certainly an all-time favorite. New personality trait unlocked.

Pretty where it matters and ugly where it's funny. bonk.mp3 the video game

platinuming this game made me hate this game idk why i did it but i did it ooop

this is my "petah don't like the gawdfather" moment ya'll this shit stanks a bit. i think its so impressive and massive but the characters, the environments. Geralt's game feel with the joystick feels like a fuggin' rusty sandwich ya'll. It feels like meat pudding and it smells like it too. I'll probably try it for a 3rd time on ps5 as the COMPLETE SUPER MEGA XXTRA HD VERSION

short on length
high in allure
panzer dragoon spanks and the music ga'dams

a true classic, idk if a sequel has ever sequel'ed this hard before. the expanded cast of characters, the reaction commands, the drive forms, it's all so very 2004 frosted tips cool boy vibe and i say that as the biggest fucking compliment on the planet. Yoko Shimamura also created the most memorable boss tracks of all gaming time. give me that melodrama, give me that friendship is the ultimate power, give me that dorky monologue followed by riding a fucking chandelier in circles blazing against a shadow demon in my epic valor form that has me wield two (TWO?!) yes TWO keyblades

a childhood favorite
maybe not my most played game, but my most played through. i never could get enough of this barren forbidden/holy land. such a storybook scenario. such thrilling and perfectly withheld fantasy

You will bow before Masashi Hamauzu. catch this nut nerd FFXIII spanks and y'all know it. those VIBES. the beauty. also like the only game that 100%ing improved my feelings for it

my love
you will be with me forever
the theme of Besaid Island will haunt me for the rest of my days.

Such hokey pokey goofin vibes with max ps3 era glow. Just driving around n shit is so nice. that voice acting makea me smile :)

I thought it looked pretty and then it dawned on me it's just platinum trophy shovelware. ironic cuz I just convinced myself to never go after a platinum trophy again right before playing this...I played 2 others like this...I had already bought them ya'know?

it's got that Annihilation (2018) type beat which is big. Fun puzzles and true vibes.

Just about a perfect fighting game. Perfect for introduction, perfect for fighting and play style choices, perfect for single and multiplayer, and just a real joy to engage with. It’s oozing the Pizzaz, and a lot of confidence in what it is. Single Player fighting game modes are SO BACK BABY