i'm sorry but this dlc ruined this game for me, after finishing this dlc i hated frontiers more as a whole. the different characters were cool and i had fun playing as them, but the level design for the cyberspace levels is horrible especially level 4-h which took me 43 minutes just to complete. and some of the koco trials had ridiculous requirements that go from being easy to insanely hard and then easy again. the final boss was the only redeeming quality but unfortunately it was not very clear on what you're supposed to do to attack it which ruined that part for me as well since i was restarting my game over and over thinking the fight was bugged. i'm glad we were able to play the dlc for free, but i much would have prefered us having to wait for them to just finish the game before launch

played the demo and thought it was funny so i bought the full game and it was pretty good! basic combat but the story is good and funny at times, the ending is kinda lame but whatever

the hype for this game was unreal and i honestly think it's what caused sega to actually make a new jet set radio game. although the trick system in this game is basic i kinda prefer it to be that way, this game is great other than the awkward silence at some parts and the ending felt sorta rushed and boring

very cool dlc the atmosphere is amazing and i love how the pizzaplex is destroyed along with the animatronics. for a free dlc i am very happy with this, the cliffhanger ending is kinda lame though unless we are getting a sequel :)

my first pikmin game, i wanna love pikmin so bad but there's so much bs in this game that makes no sense and i feel holds it back so much. maybe i just suck at dandori but i feel like the time limit kills the whole vibe, i just wanna explore the area in full and not go through 4 loading screens each time. also is this a video game or a novel why is there so much reading just let me play the game

never would i think we would get a multiplayer outlast game, this is a lot of fun but get's a little repetitive here and there. now all they need to do is make a vr outlast to end it with a bang

the most revolutionary open-world 3d platformer ever holy crap jak and daxter is so cool, the speedrun is a lot of fun too great movement even though it feels slippery at first

the first time i played this was when my dad surprised me with a 3ds and rayman 3d, don't think i finished it as a kid but this game is great especially for 1999 except for the disgusting final boss

rip bozo, this was a cool april fools game even though it came out on the 31st

skylanders were revolutionary when i was a kid this game was so cool i would play all the time with my cousin and we would try to collect all of them, my favorite skylanders were drobot and wrecking ball

trash. if you die you have to start all over yeah great idea nintendo, sonic 1 clears mario 1

started my first youtube channel with this game

really nice step forward from bfbb rehydrated, still rushed unfortunately but the different themed areas are great

i love sackboy but i'm sorry my boy this platforming is kinda doo-doo, i played co-op and the connection was always poor causing us to die over and over again but the game is still good maybe stick with local co-op if possible

this game is honestly a hidden gem such a great 3d platformer, pitfall harry is an idiot but funny at the same time. the speedrun for this game is short and fun and the movement is pretty cool