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frantastico completed Mini Metro
I've always said that in another life, I'd love to be a public transit architect. Being one is probably difficult, but Mini Metro makes you feel like it's simple and fun.

4 days ago

frantastico completed Valorant

12 days ago

frantastico reviewed Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
A worthy spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio Future. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is tons of simple fun. The game never really challenges you, but that's not the point. BRC is a good-vibes only game, where everything is designed to benefit the player, rather than punish for incorrect execution.

Can't really give the game too high of a score though, as many of its mechanics end up half baked. Combat is atrocious, modes of transport are not distinct enough, and gameplay is repetitive.

I feel like this game is kind of like the original Assassin's Creed; a fun game with a lot of promise, but it wasn't until its sequel that made the concept great. If a sequel were to be made (Bomb Rush Cyberfuture, perhaps), I think they can iron out the kings and make a masterpiece.

12 days ago

frantastico backloggd Felvidek

12 days ago

12 days ago

12 days ago

frantastico completed Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
A worthy spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio Future. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is tons of simple fun. The game never really challenges you, but that's not the point. BRC is a good-vibes only game, where everything is designed to benefit the player, rather than punish for incorrect execution.

Can't really give the game too high of a score though, as many of its mechanics end up half baked. Combat is atrocious, modes of transport are not distinct enough, and gameplay is repetitive.

I feel like this game is kind of like the original Assassin's Creed; a fun game with a lot of promise, but it wasn't until its sequel that made the concept great. If a sequel were to be made (Bomb Rush Cyberfuture, perhaps), I think they can iron out the kings and make a masterpiece.

12 days ago

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