I've always said that in another life, I'd love to be a public transit architect. Being one is probably difficult, but Mini Metro makes you feel like it's simple and fun.

A worthy spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio Future. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is tons of simple fun. The game never really challenges you, but that's not the point. BRC is a good-vibes only game, where everything is designed to benefit the player, rather than punish for incorrect execution.

Can't really give the game too high of a score though, as many of its mechanics end up half baked. Combat is atrocious, modes of transport are not distinct enough, and gameplay is repetitive.

I feel like this game is kind of like the original Assassin's Creed; a fun game with a lot of promise, but it wasn't until its sequel that made the concept great. If a sequel were to be made (Bomb Rush Cyberfuture, perhaps), I think they can iron out the kings and make a masterpiece.


Soma's story is great if you haven't read up on the philosophy of consciousness or the meaning of humanity. However, if you've already entrenched in these thought exercises and don't come to the same conclusion as the main character, it gets a tad cheesy.

As for gameplay, if you've played Amnesia: The Dark Descent you've played a medieval fantasy version of Soma. I'd say that one of these is a must play, but after you've played one, the other isn't as unnerving.

I'll start my recommendation with a question: what if when you fall asleep you're actually dying, and when you wake up you're a new person with the same memories? If you find this thought frightening or interesting, play Soma. Otherwise, play Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

Client is buggy, but hot-damn do I love Magic: the Gathering.

Hey, hey, hey! It's time to make some craaaaazy money! Are ya ready?

Honestly, the pacing of Accounting (no plus) feels better. The added content doesn't feel necessary.

First time my girlfriend saw me cry was while playing this game with her.

Took off a half-star, as the first half is more fulfilling, satisfying, and exciting than the second half.

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Canonically, Aerith is Cloud's true girlfriend. However, canonically, Tifa is Cloud's true wife.

Would be a 5 star if the graphics weren't so out of date.

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For the love of Gruntilda, play the Rare Replay version Xbox 360. That version gets an extra half star.

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Use your Ultima Blade and play that flute, Zelda!

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Platform enjoyers paradise!

Remember disliking due to the main character bait-and-switch, but I'm eager to return and see what I'm missing.

I've never been more disappointed in not liking a game. My full thoughts are on the Use Your Items podcast:

I tried playing this game 3 times, and only finished it on the 3rd play through. It wasn't due to being bored mind you, I was somehow just not captured and it kind of fell to the way side.

Third time though, I was filled with determination and finished it. I wasn't going for any specific ending, but I had the following mantra, if you asked for mercy after bringing me to low health, I would not acquiesce. This was my way for role-playing a character who would forgive anyone, but wouldn't be dumb enough to forgive a villain that brought me low.

Unfortunately, Papyrus brought be down to low health. We were both at around 4 HP before he asked for mercy and I did not give him reprieve. I feel fine spoiling this as a warning: killing Papyrus makes the game incredibly boring. In my previous two playthroughs I had gotten to around the last Undyne battle, so I knew about how the story usually plays out early on. If you kill Papyrus there are no other cutscenes or story beats, its all quiet and boring.

I feel bad giving a 2.5 star rating for a game that I feel like I would've enjoyed more if I had played it differently, but this play through is all I got and it's too easy to kill Papyrus, so can't really forgive this glaring issue.

My full thoughts are on the Use Your Items podcast:

Played the Pixel Remaster. This is probably the most Final Fantasy game ever made. Personally, I like FF VII more, but I cannot deny the timelessness of this entry in the series.

A nautical who-done-it mystery adventure where you play as an insurance assessor with the power of witnessing a cadaver's final moments.

If you were able to figure out the next word in that sentence as you read it, you'll feel right home.