Easily the best story I've played yet. The atmosphere and writing is perfect, not a single lull or missed step. The gameplay is also extremely fun, it felt awesome to slomo dive around corners to gun down unsuspecting enemies.

A lot more repetitive than I remember it being.

Quick and fun arcade game, some of the best movement in an platformer ever. They need to officially rerelease this with some extra stages or something because the formula this game uses is so much fun, I only wish it was longer.

Classic, it's insane how well literally every aspect of this has held up in the almost 3 decades since it's release. I can't figure out anything I would change about it besides the ability to sell items that aren't gems, but other than that it's perfect.

Literally perfect puzzle game. Doesn't get much better than this.

Labyrinth Zone Act 3 is making me (temporarily) drop this game. Least fun I've had playing a video game in a while.

Chilling, it may be the fact that I have very little experience with horror of any sort but this left me feeling a lot of dread.

I prefer Symphony of the Night by a bit but this is still a really fun game. Loved the true ending.

This one is already better than the original because I actually felt compelled to complete it. But even past that I had a ton of fun, even if I was trial and erroring the last few stages. Would be a 10/10 if there were rings in the last stage but still I had fun with every stage, including the apparently much maligned metropolis zone.