262 Reviews liked by fuurinrin

What a beautiful journey this game takes you on.. I don’t even know what more to say.

It's fine i guess, if you're into it you may like it, I'm not into it lol

I wasn't the biggest fan of 7 personally, but Village took all the good from that game and just fucking smushed it together with a bunch of old Resi stuff that I do love, layered it in fresh ideas and somehow made one of the best games in the series. It's the perfect amount of utterly bonkers while maintaining just enough "logic" that it's possible to follow what's going on.

Without saying too much, it does also touch on some things in 7 that I wasn't really into, and I think I may be able to appreciate that game more after playing this one.

I nearly slept on this entry. I'm really glad I didn't :)

This was.. actually kinda great? I can't argue with complaints I've seen about the combat getting repetitive, but having played it in small chunks rather than a continuous run I really didn't feel that myself. What I did struggle with however (beyond some minor glitches that forced me to do a couple bosses twice) was the Huddle Up playlist.

It's such a great idea for the game but the lack of a customisable or even limited playlist means it's all too easy to have this big dramatic set-up mid boss fight before going full-ham, hitting play on the player and then BOOM! 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' jingles along while you kick the scut out of a big monster.. thanks game, way to kill all hype and remove any sense of badassery.

Even the final boss I was left listening to Tainted Love, which yeah is a good song, but where's the heavy guitar riff and energetic vocals? They couldn't even make the song for the last boss a specific one that goes with the tone? Huge missed opportunity.

Anyway that aside the game is the right kind of dumb fun, the characters are loveable and develop as you progress, s'good stuff I like it

A 'return to form' of sorts. This entry into the series hit a lot more of the same beats as the first (and still best) one. Most importantly of all that you can be a lesbian with a girl wearing a hat. Thank you Dontnod.

It's got its flaws for sure, but overall it captures the moods it needs to really well and makes you kinda love everyone in it. Now for God's sake can we show Hector's name when I talk to him?! Not 'Hoodie guy', not 'Jelly bean counter', his name is Hector!

Played for about 40mins. Didn't make it past 1-3. Yup, that's Spelunky :^)

You know when a comedy sitcom has an episode in a completely different style just for fun, but it ends up being even better than most the normal stuff? That's the best way to describe this.

This was nice, although there's really no excuse for the Newton's Cradle to stop on its own. It's sole purpose is to demonstrate perpetual motion, game. Smh.

For real tho some nice depth to Steph and a bit of closure to some stuff from the Arcadia arc. (and ofc dumb jokes and nice tunes) Worth a play.

Game is fun, cat helps with takedowns sometimes, excited for 2. Short King of a game

The 'all skills' trophy never popped even tho I have all skills. 0/10 worst game of all time.

Not my favourite Far Cry, but still a fun time with countless entertaining moments - deliberate or otherwise - and a cast of villains that were interesting enough.

Real talk though Peggies have got some damn fine tunes

After '70 hours or more' I have completed all 345 of the Normal Puzzles (+25/200 of the special ones)
I dig it

5-letter word game with a name that's 6 letters long.

How 'bout we make a sidescrolling samurai Hotline Miami, with a clearer and interesting plot, complete with dialogue options, charm and an in-game explanation for its mechanics? Yes, that should work.

Also my gf bought it for me so brownie points up the walls :p

Some of the levels can be a struggle just to look at, but ulimately I actually liked this a lot more than I expected to, breezing through it pretty quickly and enjoying almost every step of the way.

Definitely recommend if you like good music, rhythm games or kinda weird indie stories. My gf really gets me on some good shit man! :D