the date listed is my 2nd time beating it. my first was back on the 360, this is through sonic origins. a fun game, not sure if it's a good one. there's a lot of openness to the levels so you can explore the past and futures but if you're not playing around with that gimmick, the levels feel void of a game plan or general direction/purpose thus making them feel a bit free at times. boss fights are also the easiest they've ever been imo

it's good. a little too long for me but besides that, good

a game that isn't designed to stop you at every turn, break your speed, or break your kneecaps. very cool improvement over the mistake that was sonic 1. sky chase onwards can suck a fat one, but besides that and the metropolis crabs, good time.

didn't see a listing for the version in sonic origins, but this is one of the worst gaming experiences i've ever had

working on the platinum atm but it's definitely better than its predecessor. adapts more UC plotlines, fleshes out the 2 things i felt the first game should have with zz's story. doesn't get the half star up due to how meticulous clearing out all the mission mode content is and character unlock requirements

it's ok. if you like warriors games or gundam or both, you'll probably enjoy it. worth noting that original mode scenarios can be fun if you know all the characters

favorite of the trilogy. get far more character interaction, gameplay's tilted back towards sigma 1 difficulty with all the style and flow of 2, qte's are surprisingly a nice touch in this game after the reduction from 3 to razor's edge.

main complaints:
- all of the ch7 boss stuff, except for regent. will mention his double/triple projectile grab is kinda bull
- some of ryu's character feels like a different person than we got in 1 and 2. not against him talking more but what he says and does somewhat counteracts the image players have come to know him by

lots of things done better compared to sigma 1, namely combat mechanics and speed. big complaints are losing the level exploration of sigma 1 and a big drop in difficulty. i felt accomplished getting out of fights in sigma 1 and in sigma 2 i feel like i sidestep a boss and rip half their health bar for free. but like other than that, great time.

One of the best action games I've played. It's tough and punishing yet mostly fair. Take the mechanics to heart, learn to utilize your combos techniques and ults, and fight smart. I enjoy that the game's more about being tactical and efficient than flashy. Ninja platforming was fun to play around with.

Main complaints:
- camera design is very functional but far from the best
- levels felt larger than they needed to be and had a lot of backtracking puzzles that kill the vibe of being a fast methodical ninja imo
- aerial bosses need more punishable attacks or should use those attacks more often than they do (looking at you Alma)
- could do with less small enemies. bats have too many spawns, wasp fiends like to stay out of reach and ignore guard, and ghost fish exist. tbh just remove ghost fish

Overall, phenomenal game that isn't without its flaws. Can't wait to dig into Sigma 2

the worst game i've played in the series. however this is a great series and while the game suffers from graphical and loading issues i can't defend due to the existence of frontier and oceans prior, it still has loveable characters and the rune factory gameplay loop i've come to love. scarlett best girl only bc misasagi isn't an option

fun and infuriating time. not that into platformers but i enjoyed having to learn and get better

very good. much better than the first game. more characters, more nods for dq fans and better writing for existing dq characters, and the gameplay revamps are excellent. i wish every musou had a class change and weapon change system

game feels very dq in both the good ways and the bad ways. loved seeing returning characters and proceeding to ignore all of them in favor of using nera jessica and yangus.

good stuff. not my usual style of game but i'll give credit where it's due. remove the combat sections though. and down with duli, he totally did it. he's the villain (not really this is a joke i just don't like him dw)

i didn't buy the double pack but ended up buying both games. highly faithful remake which i appreciated a lot. still has some gen6+ problems but i had a good time