it has cool pvp is nice uh h h hh rolling is 2 good and straight swords op but still fun game

2 tired to list what i like about this game its just amazing and awesome and stuff yep


main game is ok i guess but multiplayer is actually pretty dam fun i wish it was active still

real fun is in pvp t bh lots of fun 2 b had

would be cooler if people actually played it cuz last 3 times i tried to play there was literally no1 playing it
that aside its really fun and movement feels satisfying


real fun lies in the pvp imo, many hours of fun 2 b had

fun game i have not played much but its fun C ciel coolest character if you agree yhou are awesome if you dont you suck @ the game
also amazing ost really realy goodd

needs more single player content

it is good childhood game awesome game and cool + awesome its fun play it if you havent
also has neat soundtrack