46 Reviews liked by gamermed

Combat was pretty much the only good thing about this. Wasn't terrible, tho.

I can confirm this is indeed a pure chess game... which you can play for free somewhere else.

Cool game!
Not a good 'Bond' game, but a cool 'driving-shooting' game.

Not nearly as good as I remember. Controls weirdly and is just not that interesting. Probably is worth it for big car ppl

This game is a rather generic and dull PS2 racing game. I played it briefly for ironic value.
Strangely enough, it has a frame story involving two old grampas talking to the young 'uns about the Ford vs. Chevy rivalry. I appreciate the effort put into this shovelware.
I played one race. I placed third. However, I consider it a victory because a Chevy won the race.
The game is not great. There's nothing interesting to grab the casual audience, and hardcore racing fans have far more in-depth titles to choose from. Unless you just really have to play every single PS2 racing game, steer clear of this one.
And one more thing: Chevy>>>>>Ford.

The Dragon Ball GT of Jak and Daxter

One of the first PS2 games we got for some reason. I almost started doubting it ever existed. I only remember not enjoying it.

for whatever reason this is the only game boy game we had in the house for years, every song is stuck in my head like a nightmare

If you do not like this game you do not like video games

I mean... it's fucking Pac-Man. The gameplay is super addicting, the sound and music is iconic, and the little cutscenes in between levels are pretty cute. Do I need to say anything else?

Game #8

An overall improvement over the 3D version with more particle effects, a story, worm customization and a whole tweaking scene which I'm got to be part of its audience at the time.

Still the best Worms game to date, had so much content and customisation options, just as it should be.

All I remember is that I got real close to the end and stopped playing. It's a cheap tie-in, from an era when this was normal, and most of them sucked. This doesn't deviate from the standard. It's a platformer but it's very mediocre all around, played only because my younger self was a lot less picky about how games played.

To be honest, as far as some games can go (Especially from the tie-in era), this isn't even that bad, it's just extremely mediocre, and would only recommend if you're interested in shovelware.

SCORE: 4.5/10

a historia eu sei q é boa, de resto...

Na época, o que me atraiu nesse jogo foi o sistema de capturar monstros. Como fã de pokémon, isso chamou muito minha atenção! essa parte é muito bem feita!