very cute and conceptually neat but those are really the only good things i have to say about this

Fine little distraction, nothing deep here. I like fairytale subversions, and the idea of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf being in a mostly functional relationship is cute enough. The character models look weird, but the werewolves look better than the humans.

I don't understand the point of the trivia littered throughout the levels, though. You can find this little nugget of info within a level: "Hoodwinked, an animated film released in 2006, provides a humorous spin on the folk tale where all the characters are confronted as part of a police investigation. The film proved so successful that a sequel followed in 2011, called Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil, in which the heroes run a spy agency."


Clunky, frustrating to navigate, often uncomfortable/upsetting. It's as compelling as it is exhausting. Simon doesn't get it but I kind of like him. I spared myself a ton of annoying bs by playing on Safe Mode, which is something all these indie horror games with shitty stealth sections should include.

Tbh I prefer this over REmake2. It's nowhere near as intricate, but I just love the story and characters much more. Jill and Carlos rule, the villain is fun, Nemesis rocks. It starts at an 11 and maintains the breakneck pace throughout its entirety. It's kind of like if RE6 was delightfully free of mechanical frustration and hit the right level of brevity/narrative competence.

I adore this! The art is cute as hell!!

flying in a fighter jet with gamera as your wingman, a banger soundtrack, fmv cutscenes, weird monsters modeled beautifully, explosions of pixelated green blood???

Perfectly enjoyable story (it was less cop-humpy? i didn't fuck around much with the side stuff so idk about that part). thank fuck we dont even have to activate surveillance towers this go around. i liked the combat alright in the last game until i tired of it and i kind of started this one tired of the combat - i just feel like goons should go down in fewer hits, you know?

i fucking HATE that they changed peter's face model. i mean i don't hate the new face. but why change it? what was wrong with the old one??? the new one looks too young, like a baby chris evans, it upsets me. i liked peter's old face :((((

Remedy does pulp REALLY WELL. I loved this tons, though it got a bit tiring towards the end and the final ep felt stretched out. Combat got a bit old but it was solid and fun. Beautiful looking game. In particular I loved how much it incorporated music to build atmosphere. I enjoyed the shit out of standing by the radios and watching the tvs lol

navigational nightmare. busy work that i hesitate to call mini games. sometimes terribly slow. still, this is some cool shit

I thoroughly loved the presentation, the graphics and the sound design... but my feelings on the writing withered completely on my second playthrough. The plot feels so woefully underdeveloped. The characters are lacking. Every single line of dialogue for every character feels like it was written to be as quirky as possible. It just got annoying after a while. It's infuriating that you can't skip dialogue or walk at a faster pace, especially from a replay standpoint

i am kind of charmed by these sorts of games. it's bad ofc, but the phoned-in dying noises are a joy

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I still need to play the other runs besides Leon A, but... after the excellent exploration, puzzles, and busywork of the first few hours, this turned into a game that was just okay. The bosses sucked. As far as recurring boss fights go, RE7's Jack Baker > REmake2's William Birkin. Mr. X was great, weirdly stylish, and threatening... until he was used as an actual boss lol

Update: Having finished Claire A, I think her story is the stronger of the two, especially in the latter half of the game. It had an additional villain and engaged with the antagonists much better. The bosses are still nothing special and the sewer can still get fucked.

I have played a few hours of Prime but never finished it so I guess this is my first Metroid! It's pretty neat all around. I would not have fared well without a guide. Fucking love the title theme

Great tracks. Delivers scripted action super well. Humor is kind of 50/50 for me but this is without a doubt the funniest, most well-written Borderlands game ever. Fun characters. Closing on a mecha vs. kaiju fight! Talk about payoff.

It's interesting to note how many jokes there are in this telltale game where the punchline is just managers/bosses suck. Hard not to think about that in the context of the company's shitty treatment of its workers