Clumsy as fuck. Loved it. This was my first ever playthrough, and I shamelessly used the shit out of the built-in boosters just so I could experience the story. And I really liked it!! Enough to definitely give it another go some time on my psp with an older version.

Haven't played a lego game in like, a decade. It's interesting that they've barely changed whatsoever in all that time and the only changes they have made have been detrimental. In particular, the open world can fuck off. The voice work is performed rlly well but I don't like its inclusion. Anyway it's hilarious that you spend the first quarter of the game killing cops lmao

atmosphere and horror theming laid down thick as gravy. great voice acting. mostly good writing. the seventh case, "self-defense," contained my favorite plots. i liked the protagonist way more than i expected

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"my grave?"

this was 11 cents during a sale!! it's hard to not get your money's worth for that kind of bargain.

there's a cutscene? you're a woman? you're marrying a woman? she might be the devil? your gun is the color of your new wife's suit. all vaguely queer.

the is like, 5 minutes long. at the beginning, you're supposed to follow the flowers. i fucked that up immediately and wandered for 15 minutes aimlessly. i went back and forth. i traced the narrow boundaries of the map. the lack of background music, ambient noise, even footsteps—the silence set my teeth on edge.

eventually i restarted, continued down the flower path, went thru a portal that i had completely missed, shot some ghosts, found my own grave, all within a few minutes and then it was over. tbh the vibes were interesting and it was not 11 cents ill-spent.

"They were doing really well. Claire hoped she could get them all across. John was fully aware he could do this alone. Thomas hoped he'd never have to." — the line that murdered me

I liked episodes 1, 2, and 3 a lot. Especially 3 for its atmosphere, even though I struggled with it the most mechanically. Episode 4 felt like it was trying too hard to have a meaningful point and the game kinda lost me there

putting aside my mostly negative thoughts on supermassive's mechanical and narrative construction, i have some positives. i like the characters. i mostly like the oddity of the story. finally, john and angela's actors, alex ivanovici and ellen david i think, are so fucking good, often a magnitude better than their material. there's a line john says that always got me, even during on my less emotionally involved replays—"we have to try." imagine one of these with only characters over 40 years old, i'd play that in a heartbeat

Loved the variety of these add-ons, even though a lot of them were silly distractions. Hmm, maybe I liked them BECAUSE they were silly distractions? Bedroom kicks ass as this solid little escape room thing. And I had a good time pushing through Nightmare and Ethan Must Die.

not my thing but pretty decent. liked the slasher villains, the aesthetic. frustrating to play, but you know, being a final girl ain't easy

Love it to pieces. Leon's best quality is his silliness. His worst is that he's a federal agent

This is a neat little window into the demoscene scene, a scene i know nothing about and would know even less about if this wasn't randomly on ps now

Seriously tho fuck this game. It's so fucking vile. Racist, misoygnistic trash. As other reviews have mentioned, it's also bland, weirdly dated, and not fun at all. The stealth and rpg elements are so shallow and bad, I can't understand why they're here. AND NO GORE???

PS: Whoever designed the werewolf's butt to look like THAT... I see you and thank you. but that cake can't redeem this shit.

i don't like cops. The karaoke stuff in this rules

Most Telltale games are a little rough around the edges—maybe it was all the abusive mismanagement? I'm not sure if the company crunched while working on this specific game, but they certainly did on others. The company's general history and their closure in 2018 were on my mind constantly as I replayed this.

The Wolf Among Us, along with The Walking Dead Season 1 and Tales from the Borderlands, are unique as licensed games because they're better than the media that they're licensing imo. In the case of Fables, that's not very hard lol. Unlike the comic, Snow and Bigby actually have chemistry in this, though the cop/girlboss routine got annoying at times. I know it's a tropey noir, but really the cop bs and reformist bs were grating as hell.

Replaying this for the first time since it was releasing episodically, I'm not really sure how to feel. Thank god this game came out before Telltale tried to push their engine for realism, and it looks much better for it. The neon palette and simplicity of the graphics make this Telltale's prettiest game. The 1st episode is the most solid of them all, it's pure intrigue and action. After that, the series gets sloppy, but there are great moments throughout. Holly and Gren are my favorite characters in this.

The inclusion of urban legends among the cast of fairy tales is one of my favorite additions this game made to the world of Fables, and in general, I think The Wolf Among Us unitizes the world and characters better than the comic ever did. I still don't think the premise of fairy tales living in real life has been done complete justice yet, but this is among the best attempts at it. Liked the werewolf stuff a lot