Thoroughly enjoyed my intro to fromsoftware. this shit's bountiful with gender and good girls

This is a neat little window into the demoscene scene, a scene i know nothing about and would know even less about if this wasn't randomly on ps now

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This has been on my radar for a long time and tbh it's a delight. Sure it's clunky and old but the scenes, story, and action are surprisingly well stage. It ends perfectly: just a guy and his alien bf riding off into the sky on a dragon

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"my grave?"

this was 11 cents during a sale!! it's hard to not get your money's worth for that kind of bargain.

there's a cutscene? you're a woman? you're marrying a woman? she might be the devil? your gun is the color of your new wife's suit. all vaguely queer.

the is like, 5 minutes long. at the beginning, you're supposed to follow the flowers. i fucked that up immediately and wandered for 15 minutes aimlessly. i went back and forth. i traced the narrow boundaries of the map. the lack of background music, ambient noise, even footsteps—the silence set my teeth on edge.

eventually i restarted, continued down the flower path, went thru a portal that i had completely missed, shot some ghosts, found my own grave, all within a few minutes and then it was over. tbh the vibes were interesting and it was not 11 cents ill-spent.

atmosphere and horror theming laid down thick as gravy. great voice acting. mostly good writing. the seventh case, "self-defense," contained my favorite plots. i liked the protagonist way more than i expected

Loved the variety of these add-ons, even though a lot of them were silly distractions. Hmm, maybe I liked them BECAUSE they were silly distractions? Bedroom kicks ass as this solid little escape room thing. And I had a good time pushing through Nightmare and Ethan Must Die.

ps4 version is a bit unstable. It crashed a lot, especially in the latter half. Didn't have any trouble besides that. I had a thoroughly good time beginning to end. Sick as hell to play. The grossness is done very well. He's just a hungry little guy 💜💜💜

I have played a few hours of Prime but never finished it so I guess this is my first Metroid! It's pretty neat all around. I would not have fared well without a guide. Fucking love the title theme

Great tracks. Delivers scripted action super well. Humor is kind of 50/50 for me but this is without a doubt the funniest, most well-written Borderlands game ever. Fun characters. Closing on a mecha vs. kaiju fight! Talk about payoff.

It's interesting to note how many jokes there are in this telltale game where the punchline is just managers/bosses suck. Hard not to think about that in the context of the company's shitty treatment of its workers

I didn't unlock everything but after getting all the character endings I think I'm ready to move on to the next game. I had fun with this! The boar lady is cool.

The pacing? Eh. The aesthetic? CHEF'S KISS

A bit janky/unpolished but the sweet/eerie VIBE is immaculate. A perfect use of an hour or so. Quest info including stuff like "the flying whale loves the sound of trains, also she is lovely" is so so so cute. The lack of mechanical complexity or challenge is good and adds to the chillness. If they iterate on this or something, I would immediately jump at it.

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I still need to play the other runs besides Leon A, but... after the excellent exploration, puzzles, and busywork of the first few hours, this turned into a game that was just okay. The bosses sucked. As far as recurring boss fights go, RE7's Jack Baker > REmake2's William Birkin. Mr. X was great, weirdly stylish, and threatening... until he was used as an actual boss lol

Update: Having finished Claire A, I think her story is the stronger of the two, especially in the latter half of the game. It had an additional villain and engaged with the antagonists much better. The bosses are still nothing special and the sewer can still get fucked.

This is cute. Also, is that, what, the physical manifestation of Bob's fursona that's protecting him? What a weird little guy