Years ago, not long off the back of playing RE4 on the GameCube in like, 2014 for the first time, and not long after hating 5, I tried to play 6. I got maybe two chapters into Leon's scenario before I gave up. Leon wasn't funny like in 4. Helena sucked. It was just too exhausting.

But I'm glad I got it again recently while it was on sale. I chose Jake's scenario and had a lot of fun with the characters and the silliness, it was kind of the opposite of Leon and Helena's dry ass drama that had turned me away from the game. Of course, getting knocked down, dying half a dozen times to janky quick time events or vehicle sections, navigating the fucking horrible in-game item menus... that definitely took away from my enjoyment, but surprisingly, I still feel positive about my time spent with the game. Stumbling from one set piece to the next through all the indulgent melodrama, watching Jake punch the shit out of Ustanak. The credits rolling with a pop song approximated perfection.

Instead of treating this entire thing as a twenty-hour playthrough, I'm treating each scenario as its own playthrough, and I'm gonna space each out a good chunk of time to avoid getting sick. I think that's gonna be the recipe to enjoying the rest of this game. Bottom line, I'm glad the franchise reoriented itself, but I don't hate 6.

Love how this communicates its story! And I love its story (or what I can grasp of it)!! But mechanically/puzzle-wise, I got soooo frustrated lmao.

I wish I could say this is a diamond in the rough. Really it's on the verge of being okay w/ some neat shit hidden in literal shit. Characters are dull and super obnoxious. Fighting is clunky but ngl the longer I played, the better it felt to control.

Barker's premise is wild and great and the loredumps are pretty neat. I like the game as it descends deeper and deeper into the far past and Barker's nasty sexy extremity of dark fantasy. There's some cool as fuck monsters here.

It starts out looking like complete ass and then there are some genuinely beautiful designs towards the end. The level design itself isn't ever that great tho, just twisting tunnels and rooms one after another. Sadly, the game is mostly an ugly slog, then it gets better, then it ends.

Too bad this didn't get a sequel cuz I could see Jericho II refining its mechanics, picking up the ending, and becoming the cult horror shooter that this sadly doesn't quite manage to be. The soundtrack is great tho! Witches With Guns would be a sick band name

Also, between this and REVillage, I realize I find fps games way more interesting when you're fighting huge fantasy monsters

I didn't unlock everything but after getting all the character endings I think I'm ready to move on to the next game. I had fun with this! The boar lady is cool.

Great tracks. Delivers scripted action super well. Humor is kind of 50/50 for me but this is without a doubt the funniest, most well-written Borderlands game ever. Fun characters. Closing on a mecha vs. kaiju fight! Talk about payoff.

It's interesting to note how many jokes there are in this telltale game where the punchline is just managers/bosses suck. Hard not to think about that in the context of the company's shitty treatment of its workers

I have played a few hours of Prime but never finished it so I guess this is my first Metroid! It's pretty neat all around. I would not have fared well without a guide. Fucking love the title theme

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Old Gods of Asgard playing as you navigate the maze! Dr. Darling becoming Jesse's hype man with that dorky music video near the end!! That room with the fucking speakers that you can just vibe in!!! Music rules in this.

Not without some frustrations (death always felt kind of cheap and sometimes killed momentum, anything tanky felt like ass to fight, ugh falling to your death, and I never got lost but having all the floors complied on the maps looks terrible) but anyway this is EXTREMELY MY THING. I don't think I've ever read as many lore files as in this game and I probably only read, like, half of them. Sure there's a story but the setting is what's most impactful here. Glad they're planning to do more with it. Loved the use of live action in the video presentations.

Throwing forklifts at assholes is the fucking best

Also ugghhh lol, the joke after the credits is admittedly hilarious and totally redeems the beginning's longwinded narration.

A bit janky/unpolished but the sweet/eerie VIBE is immaculate. A perfect use of an hour or so. Quest info including stuff like "the flying whale loves the sound of trains, also she is lovely" is so so so cute. The lack of mechanical complexity or challenge is good and adds to the chillness. If they iterate on this or something, I would immediately jump at it.

This is cute. Also, is that, what, the physical manifestation of Bob's fursona that's protecting him? What a weird little guy

I was always fascinated by this game/book, but never bought either of them for the longest time. Finally played the game via PS Now and it's... eh? Great atmosphere. Little character. Politics are... muddled? The fact that you can get a trophy/achievement called "Merciful" for sparing all the nazis on a level is... what the fuck

On par with a lot of Fallout 3's atmosphere/quests imo, so it's not GREAT but it taps into my nostalgia in a way that I like a lot. It's unfortunate that it's shackled to Fallout 4's terrible designs. I'm overrating the shit out of this despite that.

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I'm a bit iffy on the ending and the ultimate twist. Personally I was kind of hoping for some full blown cosmic horror shit, think In the Month of Madness but Sutter Cane is just some little kid. I guess what they went with is FINE, just not that interesting imo or as compelling as the bulk of the mystery. Also the character Ethan Carter is better at writing than the character Alan Wake lol

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it is QUEER AS HELL for two lesbians to turn into one world-destroying monster

Extremely well made. The art style has a lot of personality (oh god the pinups are cursed tho) and the voice acting and music are pretty good. But yeahhh, retroized backwardness is just never gonna hit right with me. Sexist, full of cringe fantasy racism that was tired when Zootopia came out more than half a decade ago, ablest at the eleventh hour. I know most of my problems with this are rooted in it being a straight forward riff on genre tropes, but furry hell...