my personal favorite zelda game for the game play to the story to the sound track just a really really great zelda game

this game took what god of war (2018) did well and cranked it up to eleven while also improving upon what held back 2018

this sets the bar for what a remake should be. Staying faithful to the original while building upon in a meaningful way

this game does an amazing job of taking you back to that feeling of pure fear you had when you where younger

one of the best fighting games I've had the pleasure of playing also some of the greatest sprite work I've seen

not my favourtie Zelda games but playing this game in the opening weekend Is a gaming experience I will never forget

amazing game that takes what makes games mother/earthbound games special and cranks it to 11

such a well crafted piece of fiction. Incredible it was made by such a small team

one of the best horror games to ever exist

I believe that this game is infinitely repayable

some of the best bosses I've ever fought in a video game the only thing that holds this game back for me is the clunky controls

this game changed my perspective on video games forever