24 Reviews liked by geovannyboss

I signed Neymar before it was cool

didn't really bring anything new to the formula nor tweak something that could've been wayyy more fun,instead it's Doom but more now even worse than II cuz at least with II they added something even if it's still the same Doom we all know and love but something about Final Doom just doesn't really stick with me even though it's still the same formula i loved,the two new maps were fine obvious i prefer one over the other,in this case it's TNT over Plutonia tho both of em by the time i was in the latter portion i was so done playing it.

holy shit man.......what a game.
now i do have some nitpicks mainly with how long it may takes to transport from one place to the other and the scenes most of the time didn't feel like it was as tense as the dialogue and the music make it out to be but man what a amazing game and sequel.
this literally both fixed and improved upon the things i didn't liked on 999 mainly the cast and puzzles now two of em are amazing especially the cast and some of the puzzles actually plays with ur mind sure some of em are very straightforward as well most of the time but at least for me i had more difficult time figuring it out.
the characters being more memorable is a big W in it of itself for me sure they don't have the depth the main two have but they all have cool trait i atleast fw,and now the story takes on more of grander turn while ended it off in a way that definitely up to taste whether u like it or not but the overall story and how things play out are just brilliant.
if it wasn't obvious enough by now Virtue Last Reward is an absolutely amazing game and perfect sequel to 999 i loved this game very much can't wait to get into ZTD despite it's somewhat mixed criticism.

The triumphant sequel to Y7 and one that i think immediately become one of my recent favorites.
This game does what everything sequel should do especially coming off Yakuza's drastic shift in combat i do enjoy it in Y7 but here i had more fun than ever before not to mention other than the improved combat some of the minigames and gameplay aspect are fucking amazing dondoko island alone lowkey certified this game as fucking amazing.
While i do think it's a great sequel and one that i liked the narrative more than 7(by a long shot)it is in my opinion left to be desired at times and the lows of the characters are honestly some of the lows the series has ever reach though that being said it is still an amazing story just one that i think could've done better with more tighter placement of certain events.

indirect modes of taxation is op

Fakir çalmasını beceremediği için fakirdir.

"God, please..." the lieutenant says quietly, without trembling. He aims, face pale...

Masterpiece, great game design and storytelling.

very nice game about growing flowers and maintaining your virtual garden perfect game for the family friendly console nintendo ds although I don't understand the box art design maybe he sold the girl fertilizer and he's leaving or something I don't know


Unlike the main game, both endings were satisfying. Daud turned out to be a really likable character. His blink ability was very useful and fun. This is a DLC that every gamer deserves.