absolutely the most fun pokemon game in YEARS but it runs like DOG ASS

your a kid now yourasquid now youre a kid you're a squid your a kid now - love this game campaign got some insane lore

it's quite nice, this is probably the best pmd game since explorers of

I do not think this one is a good as Heavensward msq. Plenty of banger dungeons, and the post-quests get interesting, but the whole fukcin main quest is just getting moved around to different areas killin those imperial dudes, and you gotta liberate TWO places, not just ala mhigo you gotta goto doma too its way too long. That being said, pretty much everything added that's not the msq is pretty awesome big step up I freakjng love red mage !! !

the game actually does get better after 100 hours daaaaamn! Heavensward story kicks ass, cool dragon shit, knights of the round... everything better

peak 3d Zelda game tbh i fcking love motion controls it's like i am really in the videogame!!!!

This would be the best game masterpiece goat of all time banger 10/10 (if they finished disc 2)

despite all the weird ps1 clunk and unfinished gameplay bits the story told in this game kicks every other game's ass and it's 1000% worth playing just to experience that story peak shit

mid final fantasy game, definitely not the best idk why everyone gasses up this one so much but after 50+ hours and seeing most of the content here I still don't really get the hype. It's a pretty decent jrpg I guess, but personally I would say this is the most meh out of every FF game I've played.

Not too bad though lots of cool stuff and still very iconic. I enjoyed bits of the story, and the Materia system is pretty much perfect customization. Gonna play the remake next, hopefully it'll be more appealing to my zoomer brain

Just finished dragon slayer I kinda get it now. Could never get into this game as a kid with all the click-to-move and slow progression, but now after around 100 hours I've definitely got an appreciation for this game and the grind. Prob not gonna get 99skill in anythin but super cool game I get why people like it now