Extremely clunky and rushed.
You can literally put your head through the wall in the character creation screen.

We live in an era where graphics in games hardly impress anymore. Game companies will create large, expansive and graphically-rich tech demos for the latest console and for many people it just does nothing for them.
I genuinely believe that Virtual Reality titles are the way forward and Half-Life: Alyx convinced me that this medium is the next major step in innovation, story-telling and especially immersion.
Genuinely one of the best games I've ever played, especially as someone who has been a fan of this franchise for almost a decade. I'd recommend that anyone buy a VR headset for this game alone, it's that amazing.

This was super charming back in the day.

Why was this Digital Deluxe bs necessary bruh

I got to play an early build of this game at the Insomnia Gaming Festival!
This feels really promising, and I love the art style! Can't wait to see it finished!

Klonoa and the other characters speaking English feels wrong, I'm sorry.

Out of all the versions of Minecraft that came out, this was certainly one of them.

rip bozo
they literally put ads in the game lmaooo

It has Tails Doll in it and that is quite swag.
Also, uhhh, does this count as a Sonic game? Do I include it in my ranking of every Sonic game? I have no idea.

Wrecking Ball is cute, fuck Blizzard tho

“Do you know how many coffee cups giant robot brains in jars use on a daily basis? NOT FUCKING MANY!!”

I love this DLC, easily the best expansion from any of the Fallout games. Unlike Honest Hearts which had a large, pretty world but not much to do in it, the Big MT is sprawling with interesting locations and quests with great loot to collect. It feels like Obsidian were taking a stab at the more theme park-like game design philosophy that Bethesda follows, encouraging exploration and I think it worked perfectly here.