Extremely clunky and rushed.
You can literally put your head through the wall in the character creation screen.

We live in an era where graphics in games hardly impress anymore. Game companies will create large, expansive and graphically-rich tech demos for the latest console and for many people it just does nothing for them.
I genuinely believe that Virtual Reality titles are the way forward and Half-Life: Alyx convinced me that this medium is the next major step in innovation, story-telling and especially immersion.
Genuinely one of the best games I've ever played, especially as someone who has been a fan of this franchise for almost a decade. I'd recommend that anyone buy a VR headset for this game alone, it's that amazing.

It feels like the playable characters in this game were picked out at random. Pretty good sequel though.

Recently got into DarkRP, the mods on there got super mad at me because I went terrorist and ran around shooting random people while screaming about muhammed in voice chat.

I got to play an early build of this game at the Insomnia Gaming Festival!
This feels really promising, and I love the art style! Can't wait to see it finished!

That was the new Rachet & Clank game? That was just the Phineas and Ferb movie but with a lesbian in it!

SUNSHINE DAY is literally the loudest sound in existence.

Not all that bad for what it is.
Soundtrack is pretty bitchin'

A solid version of Minecraft but I put 70+ hours into a Switch world only to find my world didn't have an End Portal. I'm still pissed to this day.
Just stick to Java.

lol minion funny banana XD

This update kinda ruined the lonely vibe from OG Minecraft, it was never the same after this, but LOOK AT THE CUTE FOXES!