Back in 2016 I went on vacation and left this game open on my PC. I have 1'600 hours in it now and it's just permanently attached to my Steam profile.
Praise pug.

One of the most bizarre games I ever played as a kid. The game has such a weird, eerie and lonely vibe to it, a sharp contrast to the animated show it's based on. The game has an ear-bleeding overworld theme that plays almost non-stop and it just adds to that weird aura. Bikini Bottom feels extremely abandoned, the only NPCs you meet are hostile for seemingly no reason, it almost feels like a post-apocalypse. I'd actually recommend playing this at least once, it's so weird and uncanny that it has its own charm despite not actually being a good game per say.

“Do you know how many coffee cups giant robot brains in jars use on a daily basis? NOT FUCKING MANY!!”

I love this DLC, easily the best expansion from any of the Fallout games. Unlike Honest Hearts which had a large, pretty world but not much to do in it, the Big MT is sprawling with interesting locations and quests with great loot to collect. It feels like Obsidian were taking a stab at the more theme park-like game design philosophy that Bethesda follows, encouraging exploration and I think it worked perfectly here.

The fact this game has actual, real-life radio stations devoted to it is genuinely amazing.

A godawful port of a great game that ruined the reputation of the original game.
If a funne YouTuber shows that glitch where you clip through the Emerald Coast loop again I'm going to scream, that shit wasn't in the Dreamcast original.

Never got the issues people have with Rayman 3, this game fucks

I played this as a kid on my PSP but remember literally nothing about it, I'll give it a revisit someday.

Great Mario Party but lord, why did Nintendo just leave this game to die after release? They could've really updated it and added extra boards but they just didn't?

🍭✋ 𝕔 𝔬 𝐍 𝐬 𝐮 м έ ✎😡

"We've added a new feature that encourages you to speed through the levels faster than ever before, but we're also going to add constant bottomless pits and crushing hazards that force you to slow down! Have fun!"

(I love blaze the cat though)

Rating this game on its own merits, rather than as a Dragon Quest game since it's the only instalment I've played (although I do plan on playing XI very soon).
This game SLAPS. While some people might not like it, I really enjoy how the story follows a very loose structure, going from town to town, meeting various people, seeing their stories and helping them out. It's a really nice comfort game and one of the first real JRPGs I ever played. It can be a bit grindy and it's a shame that a good portion of its multiplayer content is now inaccessible, but I still have a lot of fun regardless. Also this game's sound design, just perfect.

I had the pleasure of playing this game for 10 hours straight during a livestream.
It was... an experience.