My stream chat made me do a playthrough as Amy and oh my god that was not fun. The later levels do not feel like they were designed with her play style in mind at all, i.e. no spindash, can't directly jump on enemies.
The game overall is fun but the level design in those last couple of zones is just kinda bad.

"We've added a new feature that encourages you to speed through the levels faster than ever before, but we're also going to add constant bottomless pits and crushing hazards that force you to slow down! Have fun!"

(I love blaze the cat though)

You ever really want to love a game in a series you love but it just leaves you feeling empty? This is one of those games.

I really, really wanted to love this game but it's genuinely one of the worst designed, most buggy games in the franchise.

Yeah, it's Sonic 06.
I feel like Sonic's story can be fun if played in an emulator which drastically fixes the load times and slow down, but on actual hardware? Good lord.
Silver's story isn't awful, just really boring and dull overall, why they thought to make him so slow I have no idea. He was so close to being an incredibly interesting and likable character but sadly got done very dirty. Blaze is really fun to play as, though.
And then there's Shadow's story; it's awful. There's no way around it, the gameplay in his levels just is not fun, having to use clunky vehicles and search for keys as Rouge with no radar, it's the franchise at its absolute lowest.

Sonic 06 isn't an abysmal game despite this, it has a lot of redeeming qualities I feel and the story is genuinely interesting despite its major problems. This game is an intriguing case study of how a franchise can fall and become a disjointed shell of its former self, yet despite that have so much strange charm to it all.

The screams that the Sims make in this game are horrific, like holy shit.

No pie factory level (shocking)

Pretty fun but Great Cave Offensive can suck my cock and balls.

Loved Dog/God and Christine.
Fuck Dean though.
Dean is irredeemable.

Ulysses' final message hits hard man.

Felt like going back to this game as I just yesterday came out as a trans woman and am now going by the name Emily!
This is a really interesting experience of a game, telling a very sad but real story of two people drifting apart overtime which it does a wonderful job portraying through a recreation of AOL Instant Messenger.
While the sequels are more fleshed out and layered experiences, this original game tells such a compelling and memorable little story that it always sticks out in my mind many years later.

The 8 hour intimate sex scene between Scrat and his acorn wasn't really necessary to the progression of the story but overall pretty good

It's me again, Mr. New Vegas, reminding you that you're nobody 'til somebody loves you. And that somebody is me.
I love you.