7 reviews liked by gorje21

Burros dizem que é ruim, mas só os gênios entendem a gransiosidade dessa obra prima.

Ricardo S2

Ai, como é bom cometer crimes de guerra e matar cruelmente civis inocentes 😵‍💫

This is one of those games where I find putting a star rating on it feels... inaccurate? Incomplete. Much like my time with the game I suppose.

I've taught myself not to just power through and finish a game as maybe I would have a decade or more ago. So when my interest started to wane and I looked up how many chapters were left, it didn't help to learn I was only half way through. I pushed ahead a little more but hitting a brick wall of a boss fight, I decided to cut my losses. The gameplay is good, the story is good, and the music is great. Honestly, it's a good game and the people who are good at it will love it. It just is long without justifying that length and odd difficulty spikes on the "intended" settings.

Sam Barlow has been inovating in interactive narratives in amazing ways for a long time does not get enough credit. I think since Silent Hill Shattered Memories (which is masterpiece in storytelling) he has been introducing amazing ideas in new ways on how to tell a story.

Most of the end of the year awards always have a "narrative" category, but they always seem to award the experiences that try their hardest to be as close as possible to the cinematic language. Which is unfortunate, because video games can much more than that, exemplified by Immortality.

The game is excellent and I highly recommend it for anyone interested in interactive storytelling.

I still have some minor complaints that do not impact much the experience:
- there is bunch of scenes that are too long and dont add much
- the random aspect on how the interactive elements unlock new scenes makes for a lot of repetition (maybe the algorithm should prioritize new scenes)



my main takeaway is that native americans have superpowers



At first i was really amazed by how this game looks especially for its time but going in and playing it, it was pretty disappointing, great atmosphere through and through but the level designs themselves are super repetitive and it gets boring, fast. while the weapons dont have variety, they're fun to kill with, there's absolutely no challenge because whenever you die you can easily just regain all your health and spirit, the story is not all that and is not that present in the game, just a disappointing game overall with only good atmosphere