Easy to learn, hard to put down. One of the best strategy games out there. Perfect for long flights or nights of insomnia.

Too much to write about so I'll have to come back later, but damn was this expansion great! Easily my favorite one of the series. A campaign worthy enough to pick up this DLC alone. Bungie's narrative is working in full force, really loving how this game has almost turned into a television series where each week I can log in to discover interesting and engaging narrative story arcs. Fun seasonal activities, a spectacular raid, 2 moody and immersive dungeons, the return of the King, and some stellar loot!

Also damn did that season finale hit HARD. Stoked for Lightfall!

Copied from Steam review:

Without exaggerating too much, I think this may be one of the greatest video games ever made. Elden Ring takes the best components from From Software's previous titles, and smashes them together into one GIANT and DENSE package. It's an open world that exudes curiosity in the player, has some of the deepest RPG systems you can find in a 3rd person action-adventure, and houses an absolutely stunning world with impeccable level design.

This game is exemplary in every possible manor. There's no other way to say it.

Even if you've never played a From Software game, or have been reluctant to try one out, this is the best place to start. And if you're worried about difficulty, you have the freedom to make this as easy or challenging as you'd like. Just go at your own speed and find what playstyle calls to you the most. Ignore what anyone says online, play your way and have fun!

For those that have played previous souls-likes, this is an evolution in form on every account. The open world is like Breath of the Wild on steroids. You'll be peeking around every tree, rock, and bush, finding secrets left and right. A new sword, hidden boss, armor set, or steps for another questline; no time or space is wasted. If you're a fan of the linear and interwoven levels from Dark Soul's past, those are still here and are just as good! Nay, better than ever before!

Never has there been a From Software game with this deep of combat. Everything is viable, and man is there variety. From the classic sword and shield, to duel wielding anything, to pure magic builds. Any path you choose will have countless options that all are fun and powerful. Respec-ing is also much more accessible so you can try out multiple play-styles in one playthrough without needing to make dozens of different characters.


From Software's team of employees have perfected their craft. I'm at the point where I'm starting to consider this whole thing high art.

Just buy this game already.

Nothing feeds me with more nostalgia than this game. But man does it hold up! Some pretty sweet squad mechanics for a game from 2005, and DAMN does the art design, music, sound design, and voice acting just hit it out of the park! This gritty boots-on-the-ground/band of brothers perspective in the Star Wars universe is such a sweet experience to get immersed in.

Plus shout out to those bonus bts featurettes you unlock through playing the game! This game taught me what foley, concept art, and other aspects of game/film/television development include. Wish more games did this!

One of the greatest games ever made, and THE best game I've ever played. It's a breakthrough in game design, a marvel of world-building, storytelling, immersion, and just so expertly pieced together. My first time playing through was such a cherished experience, I hope anyone who owns a gaming rig will have the pleasure of picking this work of art up.

DO NOT SPOIL THIS FOR YOURSELF. READ NO REVIEWS, DO NOT WATCH ANY VIDEOS. Please, go into this as blind as you can and you will walk out with an experience you'll continuously look back on.

This game is a treasure and truly worth your time.

Outer Wilds is a puzzle, but to solve the mysteries of this galaxy, you're not following any waypoints, guides, or map markers. You're following your curiosity, using your brain, and are rewarded with knowledge (which you'll then use to solve the next puzzle).

The worlds you'll inhabit will feel as cozy as a fireplace on a rainy day, or as scary as the dark trenches of the pacific ocean. One moment you'll be humming along to the nostalgic melody of your friends' instruments, and the next you'll feel suffocated by the vast cold emptiness of space.

I could go on and on about my love for this game. Words cannot describe how special of an experience this is. Just please, give it a shot and I promise you won't regret it.

As for the DLC, WOW did it blow me away. The formula of curiosity-driven puzzle-solving is just so good. And man is each mystery exciting. Overall felt more like a sequel than a DLC. The way Echos of the Eye kept the themes of the main game, yet foils them in almost every regard, just.... wow. Almost 3 years since I played this game and I still can't stop thinking about it.

Copied from Steam review:

just... one... more... run...

By far this is the most rewarding rouge-like I've ever played. There's a skill gap that takes time to learn, and as you come to master it, you'll be unlocking more and more items to use for future runs. You'll uncover the secrets of each level and unlock new characters along the way (each one drastically changing your play-style and presenting a new skill gap to clear). The gameplay loop follows a strict path of [progress --> reward --> progress --> reward] that every second you play means the you'll unlock, and subsequently, the more fun you'll have.

Risk of Rain 2 introduced me to the rouge-like genre, and time and time again keeps bringing me back. There's a reason it's sitting at Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam. This is a gem, and is already a timeless classic.


Copied from Steam review:

This is EXACTLY the game I've been looking for for so long. I grew up loving Pokemon, but as an adult became annoyed at how easy, uninspiring, and straight up same-old their games had become. I wanted something challenging and engaging, and Temtem is exactly that.

They've addressed pretty much every single issue I've had with Pokemon and either removed it or improved it. Oh how 2v2's and the stamina system ALONE make this such a better experience. The fact that this is still only in early access and I've been able to put in this much time and have this much fun says a lot.

If you've been hungering for something new from Pokemon, this will satisfy your cravings immensely and immediately.

This game single-handedly ruined all other VR games for me. IT'S SO GOOD

Physics based sandbox levels where you actually have a physical body makes this the most immersive VR game out right now. No question about it.

Story is eh, but it works well enough to give an excuse to the world you occupy (and increases immersion even more).

Guns feel great, and there's lots of replayability! Though once you beat the game you'll be encouraged to do a collect-athon for every item, weapon, and npc to play with in both sandbox and replayed levels. If you're burnt out or don't want to do all that, I'd highly recommend downloading a 100% save file! Saves you the hassle and allows you to have full sandbox freedom in the sweet levels they made :)

Stress Level Zero, y'all are setting the bar high for VR and I really hope you're getting funded enough to continue making these sorts of games. Everyone who owns a headset HAS to see and feel what this kind of experience is like.

My heart aches for not loving this as much as I did Boneworks. The devs here made THE best VR physics sandbox out there. They have created what I believe to objectively be the most immersive gaming experience on the market right now. But damn do I wish they found the same type of expertise they had in engineering this damn thing into designing a narrative campaign!

Bonelab is a sandbox first and foremost, and while it's a fantastic sandbox, I'd love to be tasked with things to do in it. The campaign they've got just feels like a tutorial for how to use the tools at your disposal, but not a true journey or adventure in using them.

Feels great and is super addictive. It's like Doom, Risk of Rain, and Pistol Whip all mashed together into a little package. Good fun!

Criminally overlooked and underrated.

Very fun as you get going! Though once the steam starts to run out it runs out fast. Incredibly cute world to wander around though :)

It's a rightful 5 stars for most people, but I just found this too easy. Wish the main campaign gave me a challenge instead of only the rarest of rare moons. Absolutely love every ounce of creativity poured through this game's veins though!

Gameplay: 10/10
Art: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Atmophere: 10/10