You can say it has some similarities to bioshock but that’s an insult to bioshock because this game falls short of that. I have mix reviews about this game, it’s an okay game but nothing amazing, in fact it falls short in some of the important things that makes a video game good, let’s start with the dialogue which is really obnoxious and for a game set during the Soviet Union the MC sounds way too American I would’ve preferred a silent protagonist and at times it feels like a bunch of porn addicts made this game (if you played it you know what I’m talking about lol), second the combat, it’s okay but nothing memorable it’s actually pretty basic and the movement can be a bit slow even when you turn sensitivity higher, the enemies feel lame and a bit stupid sometimes to the point where it sorta feels like a chore to even bother fighting them, I could say that the bosses are better but even saying that it isn’t really that good, some of the bosses feel underwhelming. The story is meh it starts out pretty interesting but then it has its ups and downs and it fails to really keep you hooked in and it only gets really interesting again until you’re like 85%-90% through the game, while the open world looks pretty amazing it feels flat and there’s not much to add to the story besides just getting new weapons, I feel like the devs could’ve done a lot more with this game, would I play it again? Probably not and that’s okay.

After months of not playing it I can give it an honest review, I say this because i really loved starfield when it first released, I really love space related stuff and to be able to play an RPG I really enjoyed that in this game, I love the ship building but I do think they could I’ve done a bit more with it, like being able to see inside the habs to see what they look like before buying it OR being able to place where you want the ladders to be if you have habs stacked on top of each other, i love the side quests in this game and the random ones that you come across, I would say that the side quests are probably better than the main story, one thing I really disliked after 50+ hours is the emptiness on a lot of planets, I understand that not every planet is going to have a huge city to explore but a lot of them are just copy paste such as sites etc, the lack of more dangerous creatures is also a bit disappointing especially for higher level planets. One thing I loved was the random encounters even tho after a while they felt repetitive and I do wish they were more in the game, the combat is actually pretty good and I feel like Bethesda did a pretty good job on that. Now we all know bugs are known in Bethesda bugs, for me I didn’t experience anything game breaking so that was good, compared to other Bethesda games, I do feel like starfield falls a bit short as an RPG. Even with all that, I still enjoyed the game a lot and I would probably play it again.


This review contains spoilers

My only complaint was that this game wasn’t longer, I think it’s a really unique game with a really good story even tho the ending is sad, graphic look amazing!

This game is just not it, story is boring, characters are boring, it’s rinse and repeat over and over again in a massive map that has barely anything to offer, Ubisoft formula is outdated, what’s the point of having a massive map if discovering something feels underwhelming due to the fact that the game literally tells you where it’s at, not to mention the game had a game breaking bug that set me back about 5-10 hours of gameplay, it doesn’t even feel like assassins creed, I know that the games should evolve over time but not like THIS. I tried to give this game a chance but I think I gave up on it and decided to never finish it, that’s 45 hours I’ll never get back.

Once in a lifetime experience, Favorite game of all time.

Beautiful game and some of the best graphics I’ve seen in a video game, currently took a break from it because of how massive it is and I don’t have the time and energy to invest into it yet and I want to be able to enjoy it and give it an honest review instead of something bad by forcing myself to play it.

One of my favorite games of all time, naughty dog needs to stop milking it tho lol.

For a game that was released on last gen consoles, it’s one of the best looking games ever, the attention to detail is amazing. One small complaint for me is how the story feels a bit slow sometimes and a lot of times it feels like you’re doing chores. The gun combat is a bit clunky as well and yet the game is still amazing.

Early overwatch was peak, it’s sad that blizzard killed their own game with Brigitte and they basically gave up on it in its later seasons.

I have a lot to say, first of all, the developers lied about what they had promised OW2 would be, the main reason for OW2 was the PvE for players that aren’t too into PvP which btw they basically scrapped and later released a half assed version of it for $15 which they’ve given up on because there hasn’t been any content for it since, Second, the battlepass, yes I get it the multi-billion dollar company needs to make money so they’ll charge you $20+ fo your hard earned money for one skin some which are re-skins btw and it’s so bad that I can’t believe that the day has come where I say I miss loot boxes because at least in OW1 you can get loot boxes by simply playing the game and leveling up, one thing that hasn’t changed is the favoritism of their characters, once again they’re picking and choosing what characters get new skins (Hint: kiriko, mercy, genji) a lot of the features from OW2 could’ve easily been updated for OW1 and I say this because some of the features that OW2 didn’t have from OW1 were added to OW2 lmao, almost like they wanted to make OW2 for the sole purpose of having a battle pass. I’m not saying the game is dead but it’s really one of biggest fall from grace in gaming, i love overwatch I think maybe it’s also because I played it so much during OW1 that now I’m burned out from it, I do stand by what I said in this review tho.

Pokémon with guns!!!! Or Ark survival with Pokémon lol. The game is fun and really cute, my only complaint about this game is the lack of NPC’s but to be fair most survival crafting games lack that. I know the objective is to craft and survive but to me one thing these types of games lack is NPC’s that can give you quests for you to do things.

Usually I complain about the dialogue in games if they talk too much but that wasn’t really the issue with this game for me because it was funny from time to time. Personally the game is fun if you just turn your brain off, not saying that it’s bad but it is pretty repetitive after hours of playing it.

So far I’m enjoying it, combat is fun and the story is interesting. The music is beautiful and it reminds me a lot of Nier automata.

A lot of people will say “Forza Horizon isn’t as good as it used to be” but I disagree. A lot of that talk comes from nostalgia and that’s fine, but to say FH5 is bad or boring is absurd, Forza Horizon 5 has a lot to offer, PlayGround games has added a lot and the most out of all the horizon games. It’s an arcade racing game so don’t complain and compare it to simulator racing games, you do what you want especially with the EventLab. My biggest complaint is the map, it’s beautiful yes, but it does feel empty half the time, too much wilderness and desert and the rally DLC didn’t help at all even tho everyone wanted a city-like DLC, the base map is big enough to have a large city and a lot of people have been asking for that since FH3. Another complaint is the lack of customization to cars, I will give them credit tho because they have given us a bit more compared to the previous games.

Don’t go breaking down!! I like dinosaurs and also the game is fun! I do wish they would add more maps/game modes tho. Just a fun game to play from time to time so no complains from me.