Ace attorney games

These are ranking for ace attorney games that I have played

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
First game and the most enjoyable game in my eyes. Even it's cursed "third case" feels pretty enjoyable for me with developing the main characters.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Probably the worst first case and messiest third case in the entire franchise. But also have the best finale ever in the ace attorney franchise. Unfortunately pacing shits and sucks so even with the perfect finale case, it's mediocre for me. At least new truth gimmick minigame was pretty enjoyable
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
Would be the best game if the antagonist would be more redeemable, also if it didn't had it's third case. I am not surprised to learn most of the story of that case comes from the second game. Other than that, really solid heart wrenching tale of a broken people
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Game that tries to inject a lot of new ideas and fumbles every one of them.
It's all about nothing is perfect, everything have a flaw message. Victims had flaw, the people you are trying to defend are flawed, justice itself are flawed. It's pretty interesting but pacing issues and unsatisfying ending with lots of answers left unanswered(what was the main antagonist's motivation for example, or what happened to all the people we met? Did the justice system improved or not?) makes it unable to reach it's full potential. Also it's lying detector minigame isn't that satisfying compared to the older one that is all about finding lies from what said not how the character acts.
Unfortunately this is the stopping point of the franchise with no idea gets expanded upon after this point
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
If you thought justice for all pacing was bad. You are gonna have a field day with this one. This is not the only problem. Game feels aimless. It does mystery for the mystery sake. What I mean is there is no character development nor ideology wars in this one. It's just about Edgeworth goes around and solves quirky cases with characters that loves to remind and flashback every damn minute with slowing pace to a crawl
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
I know it's not an ace attorney game but it's from the same creator so I wanted to include it.
Characters that make you fell in love with
Gameplay that keeps introducing new puzzle elements every minute and keep the game fresh
Story that heartwrenching and adventureous ever!
Pacing is fast and outgoing!
This game feels like, it came from my childhood even tho I played it at university's free times. It reminds me the time that I fell in love with pixar and ghibli animation characters. From the better times.
Gyakuten Kenji 2
Gyakuten Kenji 2
This is a highly regarded game upon fans... Not for me. This game does not feel like ace attorney like the previous one. It feels like a detective game again. It does have a good mystery but characters are so boring that I am trying to find what I haven't seen from the characters introduced here. Because of that I can't connect to the anything going on except case 4(only case where Edgeworth actually have development) Also pacing shits in this one as well.
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Wait... what do you mean it's not a phoenix game? It's in the title! Huh? What do you mean Layton solves everything while Phoenix sits in the corner??? Also whatt? You mean it's full of plot holes also??? But at least golden court was a proper phoenix wright case tho with he goes around and actually solving shit... At least that's something right? But it's weird that Phoenix is here for only one proper case for him to solve tho?
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
Fan service the game. Phoenix back! Edgeworth back! Everyone is back!... Also stopping innovation point of the franchise. From that point on only thing they do is give a big grand case that mostly about epic cases that about goverments and world rather than small and personal. Also from this point on games become more anime. Dark and edgy character flashbacks? Check. Characters that have weird powers? Check. Power of friendship? Check. World ending events? Check. Check. Check...
Also this game throw the Apollo's character to the side for the new attorney and if you watched anime, you can see where her story going from miles away.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
This game tries to inject back the Apollo to the main games again and.... Not only it does destroy his character also destroys the lore, ace attorney builded up to that point. There is one reason it's higher than dual destinies and that is about the second case that feels come straight from the Apollo Justice Ace attorney game. It just reminded to me what it could have been if they go with that. Also worst finale case ever. Did you thought goverment case wasn't enough? How about the entire land's political and justice system? How about that? Grand enough for you?


5 months ago

I hope you play the great ace attorney games I really wanna see your thoughts on them after reading all this
AA1 over 3? Very brave and also something I agree with, good list!

5 months ago

ghost trick at number one is so true

5 months ago

@Wollom hopefully I will play, I bought it already but I want to play on 3ds when it's translation fully completed. But my expectations isn't high because aa games after trilogy was disappointing to me. So it's a good decision to wait for a bit for me until my negativity balances

5 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 I wasn't expecting someone to agree with me but that's nice \⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/

5 months ago

@mogchamp yep, best game "ever" for me. Top 3 to be exact

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