Kojima Games

These are ranking of Kojima Games I have played

Feels like a demo mostly. Enemy ai can't see shit because they only see directly in front of them.
There is only one stealth option and that is waiting around.
Level design is confusing
Arcade like boss fights
But also a small game so you can finish in one sitting, so I can't say I am bored that much
fun movement, but really repetitious missions. Also pacing sucks, first half is a level to level run, last half is a boss rush. Why not mix it???
Also story is boring save the world teenager!!! Type of story
Metal gear solid but little less
Good characters(but bosses that fight you before last quarter of the game feel cliche villains)
Simple fun fast stealth gameplay
Metal gear solid feels like remake of this game with a even better cast with more gameplay options
Downgraded gameplay(no prone) and why? Psp can handle multiple button presses, I don't understand this decision.
Insane grind for the last quarter of the main story for some reason? (Both for spongy bosses and story progression)
Story pacing is super bad, also story goes mostly nowhere. It feels like a recap of 3 with lots of flashbacks for some reason.
Characters feels worthless, I don't remember no one. Probably because of the piece of garbage casette tapes that have the character moments in them.
Only thing enjoyable for me was the last cutscene that is about a talk of big boss's to his man. That's it.
it's atmosphere and soundtrack isn't as strong as snatcher but it's characters extremely enjoyable to me and I found myself emotionally invested in their lives.
Excellent movement
Fun gadgets
Enjoyable puzzle bosses
Also interesting fun story that makes you want to know more about the characters and lore
It's hard to care about payoffs when the plot itself is super fast like a fighter jet and it's unnecessarily complicated trial and error progression system kind of takes it down. But it's entertaining characters and superb sci-fi vibes saves it fully. Also mk3 and Gillian's arguments about each other is super entertaining. I kind of wish game was longer so we can see the build up and payoff stronger. But still it managed to turn to a satisfying game in the end
Finally. A Kojima game that have excellent characters. Finally someone remembered mgs1 characterization.
Also story starts as a saving the America cliche but then it evolves into a man that is too scared to socialize, slowly goes outside of his comfort zone and building new relationships. So it's mostly a personal story, a story type that I like.
Also gameplay is super engaging. It doesn't have the amount of freedom V provides but it doesn't focus on that anyway. It's about puzzles that you need to solve with your correct equipment to be able pass to the other side and give your cargo. Also people that say this is a walking simulator is on the wrong side, it's on the puzzle side.
There is small things that hold back this game, one is it's super slow beginning, two is it's inconsistent physics that especially feels unreliable at downward slopes, three is that it does have unnecessary forced boss fights at points. Fourth is that, ending of the game is super complicated for some reason, probably just because Kojima felt he needed to stuck some plot twists for mgs players to love. But they were unnecessary in this type of story in my opinion.
Gameplay for some reason more on the action side then stealth side. I had fun but felt like it didn't use it's systems to the fullest. At least it's more comfortable to play now.
Story feels mostly solid except the parts that focuses on a bit too much fanservice even for me
Characters are mostly solid other than a character named Johnny(did we need a comedic character for the story?) and fanservice filled again disappointing side bosses. Can anyone please remind them how the characterization they made for the mgs1 bosses please??
Feels like a stopping point for the franchise with how the conclusive and perfect that ending was. Unfortunately that didn't happen and please can that fans shut up for more sequels? Peace walker and V already showed that story goes nowhere anyway. If they want to continue they can do it with rising spinoff side.
Enjoyable B movie game. A bit too repetitious with forced parry, but boss fights save it for me
Best gameplay with trillions of amounts of options to infiltrate and stealth around the camps. Mostly an expanded version of the peace walker but it's miles better than that game's gameplay.
Side ops still bad.
Main story feels unfocused and unsatisfying. People say if a one more chapter would existed then everything would fixed. I certainly don't accept this idea, because most of the story is already told on the casette tapes in an unsatisfying way already, another chapter won't fix the casette tape situation. But I played peace walker before that so I wasn't expecting anything interesting from the story so I didn't get disappointed compared to the other people and gameplay satisfied me hours upon hours anyway
Best characters in the mgs
Simple but fun and fast stealth gameplay
Only bad side is cliche story points near the end
Probably the best story in the mgs franchise
But slow gameplay that requires you to stand still and use fps aiming isn't a thing I am a fan of
Also other than final boss, most of the characters are a waste.
But story was so satisfying that it left me in positive feelings
I am not sure about this one.
I didn't watch too many james bonds movies yet still could see where the story goes from miles away with cliche quirky one-off characters. Only worthwhile character is the final boss and other half. That's it.
Also gameplay is even more slooooower, with it's required to go lots of menus, equipping, healing, changing camouflage, everything is a hassle to do. Also most of the equipment is numbered with no way to get back without finding them from an enemy or a hidden area, so I felt discouraged to use most of my arsenal. I don't like this gameplay


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