Best Doom Like out there not even trolling

lmao. Although there are good times to be found ( this game has a lot of problems that have yet to be addressed by the devs soooooooo.

A confusing blend of mil-sim and arcade shooter mechanics that can result in you having a lot of fun or being completely bored out of your mind. It's really nothing like Battlefield but it's got VOIP so that's funny and cool. Also the gunplay is pretty nice but reloading after every kill can get old, especially with the guns that come stock with 3+ second reloads.

The Battlefield game that actually grew on me the most, which is funny because it's the Battlefield game with the LEAST amount of flaws out of the franchise aside from 3 IMO. Although it lacks greater mechanics, it's a great time with friends and has some of the best feeling guns in the franchise.

I genuinely adore this game. For a game that came out nearly 20 years ago, I couldn't help but look in awe at the art style of this game. The kind of game that makes you wanna pull out a sketch book and just go to town. It really is a beautiful game to me, I could probably talk about it all day!

Featuring the enigmatic and troublesome, "King of All Cosmos" to his silent but almost as emotive son, "The Prince", Katamari Damacy dropped me into a childlike rendition of our Planet Earth with one goal, to rebuild the stars. As the son of the god of the universe, it is a simple task of course, just as long as I ignore the cries of the poor (or blessed) humans who I happen to roll up along the way.

The game play loop is really simple, roll small things up to make one bigger thing, but it's the presentation of it all that really left a mark on me. I probably wouldn't call it a visual benchmark but for a game that seems to refer to an abstract view of literally whatever it can, Mr. Takahashi managed to still keep it cohesive. The OST can be described in so many different words and genres, and I'm ready to add to the pile of praise by saying it's easily in my top 10 VG OSTs, and that's saying a lot.

One of my favorite parts of this game was going to the collections section and reading all of the childlike descriptions of real life items, presumably written by The King of All Cosmos himself, who doesn't dabble in the affairs of humans.

I will say, Reroll is far from a perfect upgrade to the original. It kinda sucks you have to play through the tutorial to get to the settings menu, and the mixed FPS can be jarring for the first 30 minutes or so. (The game runs at 30 but the prince in the bottom right is displayed at 60.)

For game I didn't really think I would enjoy, a Katamari sized hole in my chest has been filled. I'm glad I took the time to play this and I can't wait to try out We Love Katamari Reroll!

Some of the most fun I've had in a multiplayer FPS but also riddled with a slew of fundamental problems, most of them stemming from the game's incredibly shaky launch. Nonetheless this game has left a crazy mark on me and it's definitely in my top 3 of the battlefield franchise

An incredibly short experience (main story took me less than an hour) that still managed to leave a mark on me. The stages are interesting, the music is very good, and the movement actually has some depth to it. Because of the short length I decided to 100% it and going for dev time trial records definitely put some hair on my chest. I enjoyed the secret ending almost to the point where I wished it was the main ending. Overall, I'm a big fan of games where you play as a little guy and Orbo's Odyssey does NOT disappoint. Also the fact that this game has modding support is very cool, love to see that.

Loved this game as a kid but 💀

Cool idea but it's kinda boring ngl

The parkour has aged at this point and the amount of combat sections with the very poor feeling gunplay make this game feel clunky to play most of the time. I'd love to replay the game and get really accustomed to the system mechanics but the PC port is actually really bad. (Lack of graphics/fov options, sensitivity slider is hilariously bad, game has a 76% chance to soft lock your PC if you tab out) BUTTTTTTT, I'm honestly in love with the look of this game. I think the environments are some of the prettiest I've seen in gaming, like I want to walk around these empty tight corridors with their punchy colors and incredibly clean appearance. The ost is pretty good, the animated cut-scenes were a nice touch, and I wish more games had an "Extras" section like this game, because I love looking at concept art. In my heart this is a 4 because of the aesthetic, but in terms of the actual gameplay this game might be a 2.5 at best.

Miss those 4 hour runs, game introduced me to roguelikes in a big way

cool art style but bored the ever living life out of me