Banger game unfortunate that it will no longer be with us soon

cool art style but bored the ever living life out of me

Miss those 4 hour runs, game introduced me to roguelikes in a big way

Top 3 Sonic OST (JP) and the birth place of Metal Sonic who is cool ass character, but also one of the worst games I've ever played in my life.

Loved this game as a kid but 💀

Might be my favorite out of the Half Life 2 Trilogy. The "tower defense" sections are way more entertaining than they were in Half-Life 2 (f*** those turrets) and just running from the antlion guard brought me more joy than all of Episode 1. (The charged gravity gun is a cool idea but I got bored after 5 minutes) I played this game for the first time in like 2012/13 and a decade later I think they should go to jail for that ending. P.S. Vortal Combat is also in the top 3 songs of the whole HL2 OST.

A confusing blend of mil-sim and arcade shooter mechanics that can result in you having a lot of fun or being completely bored out of your mind. It's really nothing like Battlefield but it's got VOIP so that's funny and cool. Also the gunplay is pretty nice but reloading after every kill can get old, especially with the guns that come stock with 3+ second reloads.

An incredibly short experience (main story took me less than an hour) that still managed to leave a mark on me. The stages are interesting, the music is very good, and the movement actually has some depth to it. Because of the short length I decided to 100% it and going for dev time trial records definitely put some hair on my chest. I enjoyed the secret ending almost to the point where I wished it was the main ending. Overall, I'm a big fan of games where you play as a little guy and Orbo's Odyssey does NOT disappoint. Also the fact that this game has modding support is very cool, love to see that.

TLDR; Game is stupid long, writing is often really childish, music is great, artstyle is hit or miss, and I wish the gameplay had more depth when you didn't have cards.

Man talk about a conflicting game, because I really want to give this game like a 2 or 2.5 but I don't know if it really deserves all of that.

First of all, I found that this game was WAY TOO LONG for the story they were trying to tell and the last 10 hours or so of gameplay were filled with me really wishing that I was playing something else.

Yes, I think the gameplay can be fun, and the mechanics do help you to feel like a speeding bullet.

The card system is cool, and the way they interact with each other is sick! But whenever I was just running around cardless, I just felt so freaking BORED, and I'm not really sure why. Maybe because you just feel like a box sliding across the floor with no sense of momentum gain or conservation and you don't even get a view model to get a good sense of how fast you're actually moving. This game just turned into me waiting for the next card at every turn possible because the movement without cards just lacked any DEPTH.

I would've LOVED if there were more movement options in the game outside of having a specific card. Because of this, getting an ace medal on every stage is more a matter of knowing what to do and which routes to take rather than mechanical skill or any game knowledge deeper than a kiddie pool, although I'll admit that this is probably just a preference of mine rather than a flaw in the actual game.

As for literally everything else, one time I saw a steam review of this game that called it a "Machine Girl album with a free game" and I thought about it a lot during my playthrough because the music actually did so much heavy lifting for me.

The album by Machine Girl was great and definitely kept me going, even though certain songs would get a little annoying to hear after the 20th run of a level. (The songs would also loop for an entire chapter which DEFINITELY annoyed me near the end of the game)

Although the landscapes can sometimes be beautiful, the writing, and the overall art style of the game tended to be hit or miss for me.

I don't wanna completely discredit the writing of these characters, as in serious moments they tended to have something ACTUALLY interesting to say, but SO MUCH of this game's dialogue felt like it was written by or FOR middle schoolers. And it especially hurt because all those gifts that I spent a good amount of time collecting in the games 100+ levels only increased the amount of middle school DRIVEL that I had to listen to/read.

I will admit that by the end, I did end up caring for most of the Neons we get to meet, but I wish I just didn't have to play through 20 hours of the game to care.

The artstyle often reminded me of webtoon comics and I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

In conclusion, I wouldn't say I regretted playing Neon White but I don't see myself opening this game anytime soon and would've liked to see the game have more depth, both in its writing AND it's movement.

I can only really describe this game as charming, in almost every aspect.

Art Style: Charming
Music: Charming
Gameplay: Simple and almost archaic but it works for this game, very charming.

But I also believe this believe would not suffer in it's charm factor if there was more DEPTH to the combat which is literally what this game is all about. As it currently stands, I liken many of the melee combat scenarios in this game to two boulders crashing into each other, and with all of the different classes and weapon types I just wish there was more of a felt difference between the combat scenarios.

Regardless the combat works well enough that it doesn't make the game annoying to play or make the game too easy to play.

However I must mention the UX with the inventory, the hotbar , and the dual hand system is in desperate need of a rework because constantly having to open your inventory to move stuff around on your hotbar gets REALLY annoying.

All around very fun with a friend but not sure if this is really a roguelike I would play by myself.

this game sucks but I got to shoot my teammates and look at funny bugs so it's not all bad

I'm sorry to offend people over the age of 30 but this game is MID. The movement and gun play is fine but HOLY FUCK GIVE ME MORE. I understand this game was built on a really old engine but bro. The music is mid. (cardinal sin for a video game) The title is mid. The art style is mid AT BEST; the environments can look nice but the enemies and weapons ARE MID. The writing is worse than mid, it's just BAD. I understand you're not supposed to take it TOO seriously but I can literally tell this game was written by horny nerds. (a bad thing) And to top all of this off, the latter half of the game is WAY too fucking long and unfocused. So many rooms and routes where I'm like, why does this exist? I actually liked the last boss because I just got to shoot shit and not worry about collecting the third keycard of the stage! Don't think I'll ever play this game again fr.