Extremely fun at first with a very sharp decline. I hated the third level and don't intend to power through.

I've played many iterations of this but the PSVR2 is jaw-dropping and the best iteration. Eye-tracking and general fluidity is unparalleled.

Replayed again recently. My most replayed game of all time. Perfection from start to finish!

Shocked that this is considered underrated by some. Maybe my least favorite Resident Evil game I've ever played.

Very dull environs and dialogue ... weak characterizations .... awful level design. Subpar cooperative experience. Big step down from Revelations 1, which I was already lukewarm about.

I remember playing this around the same time as Psi-Ops - the latter stuck out more for me, with this title being painfully linear and that one more exploratory. That being said, I still think of this game. Hell, I was able to easily conjure the name John Vattic! They did something(s) right for sure.

Abject, highly functional gentrification sim. Instant thesis material for u writers out there. Features Black Eyed Peas' covers in Simlish.

Used to just play Monkey Target for hours...

Back in the day I logged so many hours playing this. Somewhat broken but with some great spartan sensibilities and a good sense of humor.

My #1 of 2021. I'm agog it's made by a 4 person studio - the studio Petit Depotto - this game is exemplary. You play through randomized confrontations out of The Thing or Werewolf, trying to identify and freeze those corrupted by an alien entity. The game does a lot with little, enabling brutal confrontations and betrayals while still building affinity with every character.

Betrayals are ephemeral but still brutal, and you easily slip into and out of love/hate with every character on a loop-by-loop basis. It gestures at existentialism while still being relatable, sweet, and overtly weird. It indulges in the right amount of meta, keeping you moored while still engaging some wtf/"existence is collapsing" subroutes. It lightly undermines the VN gamefeel, asking you to modulate your engagement and only pay about 70% attention (for your sanity). After all, if you were trapped in a time loop with prickly YA's, you'd space out regularly. The game thrives in unexpected trials, the NPC AI just complex enough to keep things propulsive, and the relatively simple core loop still padded out with a shocking # of unique outcomes.

Over time you unravel the exceedingly strange conditions of everyone's circumstance- it's all some very crunchy and mesmerizing lore. The soundtrack and aesthetics are perfect, with stunning character designs and CG's, and the sfxs never falter despite a lot of repetition. Some of the best gamefeel in any VN. It moves lightning quick. It has like, a nearly meditative pace of trial and error. Overall it succeeds not only as an incredibly rapid and engaging 1P social deduction game (the best in an uncrowded field) but as a very specific sim. Absolutely adore this game.

The SCOPE of this game is perfect, and it looks stunning.

So ugly and stupid and totally emptied of the sense of discovery and delightful jank and lightly thoughtful social interactions of 3 and New Vegas.