Hands down the greatest game of the 8th generation. Genius FPS design all around.


Understands the Sonic formula very well. My favorite indie platformer.

It's a mindless, repetitive RE4 clone. Not canon to Bionicle either so really I'm not sure who I'd recommend this to. Soundtrack is surprisingly good though, minus the Hero Mode theme playing for like half the game.

One of those games I've replayed countless times since I was like 12 years old. Really stands the test of time in almost every aspect.

Criminally overlooked. Metroidvania FPS is a rare breed, (the only other game I know of that fits the description is Metroid Prime, maaaaybe Prey 2017) and this really really makes me want to see more of that.
Would recommend picking up the EX version on PC, if you can be able to find it.

The closest thing I've ever played to an officially licensed Mario Maker troll level pack. Feels like it's deliberately made to be bad and I sometimes wonder if that was the development team making a protest against Capcom.

Easily Naughty Dog's magnum opus and easily the best feeling 3D platformer game I've played.

This was meant to be the conclusion to the X series, and it kinda feels like the development team was tired of it and just wanted to move on. Mediocre level design, annoying boss refights that last way too long, feature creep, and also Alia stopping players just to have pointless dialogue.
Play this for the conclusion and pretend X6 and X7 don't exist.

It's alright I guess. Can't stand how far apart everything is from each other but I guess that's just me not really being into these kinds of large open world games. Nice art style though.

Currently playing through Nocturne as of typing, but I think I can safely say that you shouldn't start with this one like I did if you want to get into SMT.

It's fine. Has some backtracking seemingly just slapped on and the transformation mechanic breaks momentum, if not have forms that are way too situational. Has a nice art style though.

Actually one of the worst games ever made. Thanks Sony.

Very easy and fun game to get into. Can pick it up any time and replay it within a few hours.

The game I keep saying "I keep forgetting to play this" before I try it again for an hour and then dropping it, only to do it again next year.