10 reviews liked by hazelshiba

There's something deeply ironic about people hailing this as "The Citizen Kane of Videogames" when it feels ashamed to even be one at all.

As a kid I hated sudoku. My parents forced my to never stop playing sudoku and they got me this game for the holidays. It is just sudoku. Please get this game away from me for I do not want nor do I like sudoku.

domino effect meme where the little domino says "solid snake using vents to escape enemy detection in 1998's mgs1" and the big domino says "venting in among us"

I didn't really know what to expect from my first taste of survival horror, but something that certainly took me by surprise was how strong the throughlines are between this game and Demon's Souls, and by extension the entire Soulslike genre. Resident Evil's limited saves, combined with very finite resources that must be consumed to move throughout the space, produce a play pattern that clearly presages the progress from one bonfire to the next.

In both cases, a save represents a fixed set of resources with which you must try (often repeatedly) to push forward to the next save. RE gives you somewhat more control over when "the next save" comes, but you still have to weigh the risk of getting murked by a zombie against the value of completing one more task and saving your precious ribbons. This risk/reward calculus echoes through every Soulslike where you find yourself running low on estus, carefully determining whether to forge ahead down a new path to find the next bonfire or turn back and try for a better run after you rest up.

Naughty Dog’s 2nd best and best in the series. One of the only third person shooters to work out how to integrate the movement with the combat in a satisfying way. A stunning game technically too; animations are expressive and bouncy and a seamless open world this big in 2003 is absurd

baby's first apocalypse narrative matched with the worst gameplay elements of the Uncharted series. the last of us released at the peak of gaming media's obsession with finding validity as not just a medium for adults to enjoy, but one on par with cinema and literature. it's a third person shooter with zombies, one of the many pieces of media that spawned from a boring dude who saw Children of Men and decided he could also do that. everyone's angry and tense all of the time and there's lots of violence, which is how you know it's for adults (serious). its ideology is as if intense hatred and violence is a universal aspect of the human experience but i simply do not believe society would be so cruel. it's dour and miserable but there's a father-daughter plot, so it's sorta heartwarming af tho. nothing about the game part of the game is very fun to play in a conventional sense - large parts consist of just walkin' around while you listen to dialogue. maybe you move a ladder. maybe you collect materials and craft a knife. maybe you crouch walk around enemies and press triangle to view the killing cutscene. i love games that aren't conventionally "fun", but the last of us makes no statement with its mechanics and design. more than anything, it feels like a game that is embarrassed to be a game and decides to entirely ignore any of the medium''s advantages and possibilities in favour of being completely conventional. and like, obviously there's a place for conventional stories but i just don't find this particular one interesting - especially as a game. naughty dog's uncharted series at least face the player with spectacle and dozens of enemies but tlou doesn't evolve much over its runtime, aside from having more guys. it's a culmination of the 7th gen's most boring elements distilled in one package that might as well just be the TV show it became.

this is also a game that was so successful it set the standards for what most big narrative driven triple a releases would be for the next couple generations. very much not a fan of that and the impact it had on the industry as a whole - it's the final turning point for PlayStation going from a system with a diverse library of colourful games to mostly just games like this. wide appeal titles very-normal narratives that are just like some other thing tonally and narratively but slopped up into a game that plays like a million other games. boring!!!! it's just boring.

lowest score possible because this game has a 'quip' prompt

Wow, it is rare that I give up on a game due to not enjoying it, but hollow knight managed to make that happen. This is pure catharsis for me, so:

The platforming in this game is bad, and you have to do it to get anywhere. The movement feels sluggish and much of the features that make it less unbearable are hidden behind barriers in the game (this is a metroidvania, but if your advanced movement is going to be hidden behind barriers, your basic movement needs to be fun). The field of view is not wide enough for you to move across platforms and get around the map easily or quickly without memorising where platforms are.

A couple basic features are locked behind equipable items - for example, you have to use an inventory slot to view where you are on the map, which if you did not have access to would make navigation near impossible.

The game's tutorial is non-existent, and some basic attacking controls that are near necessary for some fights are never explained.

There are some things this game gets right - boss fights are largely enjoyable, and the audio and visual design is wonderful. However, the game does not give you space to take this in as the gameplay distracts you by being bad. I would not recommend this game.

Best multiplayer shooter, in my opinion. Campaign was way better than anyone was expecting. All in all a must-play. Quit doing Apex Legends and give us Titanfall 3, Respawn!