rpgmaker brainrot

notes contain my opinion towards each game! if it doesn't have a note it probably didn't stand out to me as much or I forgot to add one

games that are not listed:
after the bell - razzr games
apocalypse never - colonel
chelsea - yūrei darling studio
classmate - yuumsarte
closed faith - segawa (theseus my dearest his interactions with the other characters carried the game for me)
geppaku monogatari - commodorette
grii - commodorette
l'automne - commodorette
masarou comet - mafer
married in red - studio investigrave
momoka - moca
shroom soup - uboaappears
the dark side of red riding hood - charon
the white path - artelle vienn

One of my favorites along with geppaku monogatari from the same creator, commodorette deserves so much love and praise and I admire her for still developing her story up to this day.
Big fan of this duo!! Hoping to see more of their adventures in the future.
Afraid of the fandom this game will get once it gets an english translation ngl.
Very aesthetically pleasing and the characters and their personalities were very enjoyable to me!
wawawawa one of the classics and my favorite within that category!! the main theme constantly plays in my head and brings me to tears if i think about it too much!!! played the original version when i was 9 and played the remake when i was 18 and loved it even more than i did as a kid!! shiori and suga are one of the few het pairings i can stand
Some people find the mc annoying but personally he is so relatable it hurts.
I like this a lot.
I love arcadekitten's games a lot this one stood out to me mainly because of the mc's dad heh... just one chance please please pleas


So bad it's hilarious.
so peak the story is amazing the characters are so charming and interesting and I feel a sort of love for leon and ryker that I rarely feel towards fictional characters (non romantic..)
had a zeno phase in 2022 and i want it back zeno fans seem to be having so much fun
Very shocking game, made me feel lots of emotions despite how short it is!
Omori: It sucks to live in a world where nice guys finish LAST!

Soyjak: He's right, you know!

Soyjaks: Yeah!!!

Omori: We're not gonna get pushed around!

Soyjaks: Yeah!!!

Soyjak: Especially not by girls!! When we're just trying to be NICE!

Soyjaks: Yeah!!!

Omori: It's about time we take a stand... So I say-


Omori: Let's get down to business!

Omori: And consume... the soy!

Omori: minecraft slurp noises

Soyjaks: BRUSH! The Stacies off now!

Soyjaks: Our Omoriboy!

Omori: All these women never treat me right! And they haven't got a clue!

Omori and Soyjaks: Because I, am a Redditor too!
Beautiful game, beautiful story, actually made me cry in some parts and I felt genuinely invested in the story and its characters!! segawa why did you ban eng translations this would've changed the lives of so many rpg maker fans :sob:
I thought this game was boring honestly, I didn't understand what it was trying to convey at all and as much as I love etherane's work I'm not interested in doing so.
Very interesting mechanics and storytelling that I rarely see in rpgmaker games I am looking forward to seeing more of it!
Used to love nomnomnami's work in 2017-2019 but all of that love got lost along the way and now I can't recall a single enjoyable thing about these games sorry sorry.
Genuinely felt paranoid and afraid of something bad happening to me while playing this game as a kid LMFAO
SOULFUL!! love the characters, art, music choices, story so much!! This game has been a part of my life for so long I actually got my online name from /this/ Ashe in 2018 but um I use it as a normal name now !!! I hope I get to see this game to it's full completion someday...
Absolute PEAK, a shame there isn't a translation that isn't video format so more people in the eng side would get to experience it.

Insanely good story and characters it singlehandedly reignited my love for rpg makers and I honestly never thought I would ever find one as good at this one
This one was ok but I couldn't get past the first hour of the sequel, the characters were so obnoxious and the protagonist was such a blatant self insert I never went back to finish it and I don't plan to.
Started playing when I was 13 and I genuinely feel like I'm too old to interact with the fanbase now I still love Sou Hiyori though
the better game about a kid with unresolved trauma, tabasa and dogma my dearests...
Love the relationship between the two mcs!!
Actual fever dream.
I have yet to get the good endings from this game but it's such a hidden gem. Beautiful art and story (though it left me confused at certain moments) I like the song that plays in the mc's room a lot and I hope I find it someday.
I don't remember almost anything from this game since I played it so long ago, WILL REPLAY SOON HOPEFULLY!! I remember it being very SOULful.
SOUL! SO MUCH SOUL!! more people should play this!!
I remember being very fond of the characters and story of this game I am in dire need of replaying these.
Obsessed with the ending song "Nightmareish" and I wish more people listened to it I've been listening to it for many years and I will never get tired of it. The story of the game itself is quite depressing though..
Person who made this is a deeply troubled individual and I had no business playing this with my sisters when I was 9, no further commentary.
sigh I feel so conflicted about this game, when I first played it I was no older than 10 years old, so I didn't even understand what was going on in that scene, until I replayed it years later with my sisters and well it wasn't a pleasant experience at all, I wish funamusea wasn't so obsessed with putting problematic content in everything she touches because this game was truly beautiful, until it wasn't.
Waited for the remake of this game for YEARS and forgot about it just one year before the remake was published, which led me to believe the remake was never released :sob: But I found out that it was out recently and I can't wait to play it once I have the time!!


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