walking sims (good)

walking sims that i played and liked

What Remains of Edith Finch
What Remains of Edith Finch
ok my literal impression of this game is that this is a disjointed set of anecodotes that never settles on a tone, but it's not BAD, it just didn't land with me, so i reccomend it without exactly connecting with it. it IS inventive.
deserved every bit of praise it got
ok fine a SWIMMING simulator, but gorgeous and engaging
Gone Home
Gone Home
a fun house which unveils a few different storylines and distinct time, place and set of characters. a good head fake towards horror.
The Beginner's Guide
The Beginner's Guide
a beautiful mediation on art, criticism, and the relationship between viewer and creator. "how to read videogames 101" and "how not to read videogames 201" in one package.
Kentucky Route Zero
Kentucky Route Zero
i think the impact for me lessened as it went on but when it hits a few of those early notes.... boy.
Dear Esther
Dear Esther
the og. maybe not for everyone (trope namer: sad dude with a dead wife) but great writing and it changes upon replay revealing some answers and asking more questions, leading to some subtlety which deserves a bit of time.
absurdist fun even if it's not the deepest thing
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist
what if the stanley parable was actually funny?
the ACTUAL twin peaks video game
more sandbox-y than a "traditional" walking sim but the mainlined philosophy sessions and silly nature make it worth the look anyway
pure synthesia . sure, it's aimless, but that makes it a bigger joy to dip in and out of. also: gorgeous. great fun to look at.
Thirty Flights of Loving
Thirty Flights of Loving
a game that in 15 minutes makes you question why you have ever walked down a boring hallway in a game ever
oookay i would say this is closer to an "adventure" game than a "walking sim" but either way its a wonderful, joyful game about living with others and as part of nature.
In Other Waters
In Other Waters
ok fine you aren't "walking" but you ARE doing xenobiology so let's call it even
Broken Reality
Broken Reality
vaporwave adventure
a platformer, sure, but a low-stakes one with beautiful visuals and no stress
mysterious and weird
Return to Grace
Return to Grace
a fun sci fi adventure that keeps it short and sweet
MirrorMoon EP
MirrorMoon EP
more of a quiet puzzler really, but, look, this is a fake genre, and you aren't the cops, so
Fract Osc
Fract Osc
gonna be honest i dont remember this one but its on "walking simulator" on steam and i have 7 hours logged so
a pointed essay about the nature of history


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