I played this game back in like 2013 and I recently returned to it... somehow, it is comforting seeing that so much has stayed the same lol. It's kind of a early web relic to me despite only starting in 2008, since it has a lot of the early web sensibilities. For better or for worse it's nice seeing a relic of my childhood still existing in the state i left it in

I can see why people don't like this game, but as of writing this right now i currently have covid and it was nice to sit down with a fun game that was easy to follow the plot of and complete when feeling pretty sick. music is jamming as always for falcom & what little screentime the characters get i thought they were charming. could be the sickness talking but this game deserves a little more credit

honestly, not as hard as people make it out to be! choose-your-own-adventure has always been unforgiving as a genre, but once you put in the time to learn how the mechanics work (which to be fair are a little obtuse) it's not so bad.
The one thing though. Miss elodie please do not shove arrows into yourself that has never made anything better

So unique, it really did feel like an 'anime that you can play', even as someone who doesn't like or watch anime at all I was able to appreciate it. Combat was very simple, but the strategy elements didn't end up being the reason I continued to play the game compared to the storytelling. I intend to take Maria Tachibana's hand in marriage, btw

until they add four pngs of Forde from the hit game Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones for the game boy advance to this game I am not listing this game in my backloggd it is just that bad

i hate being so negative about a game i went into really wanting to like because conceptually there is so much to like here!! the lore (when it hits) goes hard but there's so much i'm still wrapping my head around

music is absent for what feels like half the game and the dead air is palpable. combat could be really fun as a reworked version of what they did in xenogears but as it stands now it's so exploitable and dull. usually i'm tolerant of wonky story pacing but combining it with asking the player to actively avoid combat and thus the game itself in the first parts of the game makes it feel like the game really does not want me to play it, and this feeling never really went away for the duration of the game.

complaints aside i do really like what i've seen storywise and shion is a really fun and unique protagonist as far as xeno goes. i still intend to engage with xenosaga + it's side content as a whole and see it through to the end... like i just HAVE to see what is up with jesus christ being in this series. it just worries me when everyone seems to agree that xenosaga 2 is 'the bad one' given my experience with this game!!! i think it'll be worth sticking it out for kosmos and shion but fingers crossed 🤞

I would take a bullet for you ulala

Actually i don't care that this is a gatcha that exchange where you're standing right next to herta when she texts you and then when you call her out you get an automatic reply rules

they fucking drew sonic in the family guy death pose

playing this game for the first time in the year of our lord 2023 is incredibly interesting because while the dialogue is sometimes dated + this game does not value your time, it's a quick enjoyable read. Reminds me a little of the pandemic and how digital bonds were so important back then. kudos for being ahead of the times

this game is so fucking clunky but in a good way. maybe its the ps1 jank liker in me but something about being forced to play at a crawling pace and getting drowned in a hundred audio files files gave me a very intimate-feeling look into her psyche. fuck all menuing criticism it just works.
(do be sure to find a content warning for this game if you want to play it though because it can be outlandishly cruel)

Berkut and Conrad are better embodiments of Duma and Mila's respective wills than Alm and Celica all the way down to their opposite black/white designs, familial roles, and actions they take throughout the story but no one is ready for this take

Enjoyed the gameplay up until the resurrection of humanity, but based on the cutscene itself where this happens this should be totally expected. just like in real life humans are the problem

much, much stronger than the original butterfly soup in every way. brianna lei's writing has really matured; where the original i felt suffered from severe tonal whiplash and attempting to tackle serious subject matter without a payoff i felt this game was extremely charming, nostalgic, and almost painfully true to life. Diya's experience with her mother in particular was hauntingly familiar to me but the game still managed to be hopeful about the ability of people to change or ability to love unconditionally. there's so much more i could say but i will simply put it as: looking forward to more, bravo

i haven't played this game since i was 11 (i am in college & playing with friends) and this can't be how i find out pest control is fun as hell