Something feels off now that NYT has touched it. The daily words don't feel as organic or is it just me

yeah if you played this game as a kid you're gay now

Looking back, I think this was created in order to capitalize on the pet simulation game boom in the early 2000s, but that being said I was quite the animal lover as a child and I enjoyed my time with the game when I was young. Not a very long game, but still a cute game with charming pixel art and for that I think its shovelware crimes can be forgiven

Riki offers to adopt shulk in a heart-to-heart, and Riki calls Melia his big sister. Future Connected is about Riki's family going on a vacation and I think that's adorable

Got it as a gift many years ago, and ever since then all I've done in this game is ski up and down the mountains, over and over... it's very soothing, somehow. a simple game from my childhood but very relaxing nonetheless

It starts fun, has an interesting gameplay loop and intriguing lore, but there's a multitude of reasons why I quit. It quickly becomes too demanding of your time and money, on top of being run by a rather awful company. I want to take the characters I liked and put them in a game more worth your time so much

square enix be like "this game is completely unbearable. drop it"

about 3 hours long so it won't eat up too much of your time. short but cute!
found it a bit hard to read at times bc 'uwu humor' has aged quite a bit, but I enjoyed it otherwise and don't think I didn't notice the ghost trick sound effects

fucked up that wolfquest was my first exposure to any dating sim

this game has such an inventive and insane premise, it’s so worth experiencing and it’s a shame it’s not available anywhere
It’s short and sweet and one of the best racers I’ve played please play this game

guess what my best friend's favorite food was

you can't. it was tap water

playing this was a mistake but i was glued to the game the entire time

funny dollhouse game for the funny animals... what more could you need
i was a bit disappointed that you couldn't transfer your house designs into new leaf, woulda given the game a bit more flair but yanno

could have been so much more but as the free updates get rolled out i realize how they're all the same thing in a new coat of paint.
the game also tries really hard to be both the most convenient and inconvenient game in the series-- many qol changes like inventory expansion and crafting but you often get the same recipes over and over with no ability to decline them, etc.
I could go on, but I will end it at that i'm glad this game came out when it did. I needed the escape it provided back in the beginning of the pandemic, but the longer I stay away the more I don't see myself returning unfortunately.