started it because the story interested me, was not disappointed with any other part of it, just a genuinely really great story, great characters, great gameplay, really fun overall, also really generous for a gacha game it feels very fair

i cant express just how fun this game is. easily the most fun i've had playing and exploring for countless hours in any game i've played, along with the story which is honestly perfect in my eyes, just such an amazing game that was 100% worth the wait


caused physical pain and soreness multiple times was fun but wouldve been significantly detrimental to my health if i had continued playing

was really fun to play with friends when i was younger, dont have much to say i dont really play it now but i remember having a good time playing most of the time

first played it when it was free on ps plus, was fun for a little while when everyone was playing it, but didnt touch it ever again after like a month or two


i was excited for this game when it first came out and used to think it was like the best story ever written but with time to think on it ive realized how lackluster so much of the work on this game is, the gameplay is mindnumbingly boring, grinding for hours to eventually reach story that, looking back, was not as good as i or anyone else believed, everything feels so surface level now looking back

basically this game is really good until you play like any other game and realize how much this game fails to accomplish what it attempted

zombies chronicles and bo3 zombies in general was like the peak of my enjoyment with the series, getting to go back and play some of the best maps as well as getting a pretty cool conclusion to the main zombies story was really fuckin cool

(i could not care less about campaign or multiplayer im not playing this game so that i can get tricked into joining the army im playing it for the zombies lol)

again only played for zombies

i actually started w bo2 when my brother first got it and got really into zombies, going back to bo1 to play of all it i really really liked zombies dont have much to say for the other parts of the games

only ever played cod games for zombies and im glad i did, bo1 zombies built on waw and made zombies something really cool that only got better

this was the first game i got on my switch and even though i mostly play it emulated now because i can get it higher quality that way, the dozens of hours i poured into it playing on my switch were so much fun

i dont have too many words for this, ive dumped countless hours into it and i still have so much left to do, i know every time i come back to it there'll be more for me to explore, such a fun game

idk what platform to log because i have it on everything but i still remember watching jacksepticeye play this when i was 9 i love this game a lot

somehow made a perfect game even better, the added royal content is some of the best storytelling ive experienced, and the added content throughout the entire game only added to my experience of one of my favorite games ever made

when i first bought this game i was not aware of the effect itd end up having on me i have a genuine issue in that i have every single part of this game memorized as a result of more than 1000 hours dumped into it and royal, while its not my fav game and not my fav game in the persona series, its the reason i got into persona and also the reason i opened my eyes to more different games that i hadnt considered playing before

finally played this after only having played portable, was very worth seeing the differences, overall a fun time replaying my favorite game in a new way