This was my first 2d sonic game and my first sonic game as an adult. I deeply enjoyed the variety in levels, finding branching paths, and putting together the pieces of what a new area entailed with its music, theming, enemies, gimics, and so on. Not having played 2d sonics before, i did have a difficult time using the controls properly, specifically being able to spin dash. Some spikes in difficulty in the final zone were also frustrating, since other areas seemed to be a tad more balanced, but it was 1991 lol. I enjoyed playing this classic and seeing where sonic began. Looking forward to tackling 2 & 3/Knuckles in the next few months.

beautiful and fun little game that shows how EOKG are passionate about their stories, work, and community. Such a fun surprise. continued smiling, enjoying the music, learning more about the characters, and discovering new mechanics/challenges.

love the aesthetic, soundtrack, and concept of the third person shooter with rollerblades - just not personally into the tricking/points system in games. controls felt difficult to get ahold of, however, i did only give this one 1.5 hrs of my time.

at times, felt very confused by where the game wanted me to go or explore. by the end, getting one of the not-so-favorable endings, it seemed that every time that I tried to travel off the path, there was nothing to find, but, for all the times that I didn't look elsewhere when I could have, THAT is when there was something significant that could have changed my experience. Citing my lack of experience with puzzle/mystery style games for that I guess? Loved the characters, progression, and multiple choices. Also, games that can be finished in a sitting or two are always welcome


beautiful game that is defined by its surprises, art direction, and sense of adventure. putting together the pieces as you learn about both the world and how to play the game makes this stand out. at times, felt a bit lost and without direction, which I suppose is the trope in adventure/puzzle games, however, they aren't always my favorite.

It seems like a great game - as somebody who hasn't played the roguelike, deckbuilder, or roguelike deckbuilder genres, didn't make it terribly far, but can see what makes the game fun. Can see myself revisiting in time.

Played this off and on when not feeling great. got stuck in a dopamine loop and still didn't have enough cookies for a cookie planet or skyscraper or whatever.

restarting fights to get it just like kratos would do it. milking every bit of exploration/dialogue as much as possible - loved this entire game, mostly character development. a full on playable movie

may - june of 2023 was a memorable time for me. sure, i was playing totk like it was a full time job (i genuinely think one week i played at least 8 hours every day), but i was also struggling with a job that i felt very uncomfortable at. i felt out of place and out of my element which felt even more stressful because i had no other means of support for myself. i not only needed the money but also the experience. work was at its worst due to heightened demand of my services and more events coming and going.

totk kept me going, even if at times i allowed it to be prioritized higher than it perhaps should've been. even though i felt distant and "otherly" when i was working, i could turn on zelda and feel like i was in my element. booting the game up and seeing where id left off felt like a fresh start. each play session would comprise of exploration, combat, puzzle solving, collectibles, side objectives, and admitedly a bit of item duplicating. there was so much to do and focus on. it was the escape i needed during a time in my life when it mattered a lot.

as time as passed and i've seen people slander this title, i begin to recognize that it isn't some masterpeice. it owes a lot to botw and the story/writing at times is pretty lackluster. funny thing about that though is that the 10 year old zach literally couldn't care less. the dynamic of good v. evil/power-wisdom-courage overpowers any "sEcReT sToNe?!" or "DeMoN kInG?!" that there is. it gets it done for me!

its the fact that i would strap in for my 1.5 hour drive from class and play the wind temple boss theme on blast. 30 minute version, mind you.

this is more than just a review and my own personal journal thing here! mk8d is a big game for me in my life. tldr: fav game i played in 2023 and a game that i will continue to come back to for years. everything is pretty good.

i enjoy this game because of how everything culminates together into my own personal experience. I've tried to get into competitive spaces before. first it was call of duty when i was a teenager hitting nasty 1080s, instaswapping and reload cancelling left and right. then it was halo 3 as my fps tasks matured. some time passed and i moved to trying challenges out for myself, solo. i would attempt to play doom eternal on ultra nightmare for ages and had so much fun with it, despite leaving my most recent attempt on the second to last level because i was afraid of losing my progress. it felt wonderful to be in charge of my own accomplishments when gaming - not at the mercy of what was slowly becoming a generation of gamers that were younger, faster, and ultimately, better than me. i didn't have the same reaction speeds and time to invest playing a single game as some 18 year old on summer break. i had grad school, work, people in my life. after a last effort and reach into entering the competitive smash scene, i felt comfortable hanging up any sort of big investment in such spaces.

but then time trials entered my life. doom eternal all over again. i pick a track, learn some tech, use the meta, and get better at my own pace. i get to look at beautiful levels and race as cute characters while listening to banger after banger after banger. whats this? i'm suddenly a few seconds off wr on a track? another? another????

getting good at this game, for me, could potentially be compared to what i have to imagine it feels like to be a soulsborne gamer. i feel great squeaking out 1.0, 0.1, and even 0.01 seconds on a course. its my own personal sense of gain and reward as i improve my own abilities. seeing my character icon sit on the far right side of the chart showing off my progress is a progression that i haven't felt in other spaces as much as id like.

i love this game! wont get over the double dash slander though. no dino jungle? no dd rainbow road? no mushroom city/bridge??? lame! but they put birdo in so im right back in it.

this is my favorite game (just don't look at my god of war ragnarok review).

I've beaten this game at least 10 times on three different platforms and continue to play community projects and maps. learning new tech is challenging but rewarding and the music/visuals feel so special. its so good!