a game that had the potential to become a solid IP, dicked over by lacking marketing and a fight between its parent companies.
Harle should call me.

i haven't recovered since i found out members of the dub cast also did voices on the Arthur cartoon

a charming and heartfelt game about a lil gator wanting to play with their big sister.

Press Button To Ragdoll.

this was the first Animal Crossing game I got to play as a kid. Marina moved into my first town and became my favourite, and then my little sis Deleted My Save just to make her own town.
my favourite thing about the game was pushing villagers together to make them have conversations with each other.

i wish this game could get a proper sequel.

Majora's Mask is a game i grew up with -- that said, I was scared of monsters in videogames so I mostly hung around Clock Town and other areas I knew were pretty much safe.

Impending doom? Marital and familial issues? Oblivious children; adults who have lost all hope, or cling to it with mad fervour?

The thought of being stuck in a body that doesn't feel truly yours, and being treated differently because of that? Having to mask yourself, to pretend, all to get through the days?

Yeah nah, that was fine.

i'm sorry i got this game just for Killer

i also own the original 3DS release but this version has makeup and wigs and a Horse. I wish they could have added more things like extra Jobs, new dungeons and/or a way to control the team a bit better. either way the music is phenomenal.

incredible music and visuals, but I feel there were a lot of weird decisions (writing and mechanics wise) made in the dev room when they were making this game.

it's an otherwise tolerable entry in the Paper Mario series, but you could not pay me to play through Shy Guys Finish Last ever again.

one time i crashed the game by accidentally spawning about 500 cobra eggs that all hatched at the same time. absolutely fantastic.

you play as a mortician, simply put. you don't just process bodies and send them on their way -- you learn their names, you meet their families and learn who they were as people, because they were people.
it is a heavy experience for being only a few hours long. i know it made me think about things for a while.