one of those games that makes you feel things, I wish I could wipe my memory and go back and play it again.

beautiful looking with a good theme, but the fishing game play loop does start to get repetitive near the end

Really disappointing remake of some of the best Pokemon games

really great base but where it really shines for me are the mod packs that the community creates.

amazing music and beautiful visuals make for an amazing atmosphere but the story wasn't the best.


beautiful game and the soundtrack was also great, but there were many times where the controls frustrated me a lot, which is impressive given that it's almost a glorified walking simulator.

very good story for an fps game and the multiplayer is also very fun.

great fun with friends, wish there was more variety in terms of weapon choices but the overclocks help to make up for it.

probably the best cod in the last 10 years, good multiplayer