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this game is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!!! i fucking love it!!! its so cool!!! the story is awesome, the art is awesome, and im very easy to please and this pleased me ^_^ genuinely such a gorgeous game that was sm fun to play with friends, i collected all the endings and i just. adore it. one of my favorite games tbh

this game is rotting my brain

i LOVE this game!!! absolutely ADORE IT! I've so far gotten the E ending, and it's really fun to try speedrunning! i usually play as ragnvaldr bc i have favs and he's my fav. it's a game with interesting lore, a beautiful soundtrack and amazing character design. i prefer this one over the sequel but it's probably because i haven't properly indulged in termina

i ALSO really like this one!!! i haven't played it much but It Has Diagonal Walking. it's really really good and i do recommend it for anyone getting into fear and hunger because it has a lot less genitals and adult themes, since the first game does NOT hide anything. it still has sexual themes, just a lot less, and a lot of gore/blood but it's honestly a really good game :)

i finished this game very quickly tbh, but it has a lot of replayability and i continued playing it afterwards. considering i got it so late after its release, most bugs (if not all of them) were fixed and the playing experience was AMAZING. i modded my game heavily though and its really difficult to run without breaking it apart, but that's probably just my PC. it's an incredible game, and it shows that future world incredibly well with it's scenery and stories. i did the kerry eurodyne storyline and i adore it. so so so much. it's an incredibly well made game now and i think it's worth it :)

haven't finished this game, but i still really like it!!! bayonetta's a very powerful character, very dominant woman and her confidence shows. games need more characters like hers tbh

i've played this game for so so long and i love it til this day. i love the songs in it, the art, the design, EVERYTHING!!! it's an awesome rhythm game and i recommend it and its DLC

bought this game (again) a long while after having it on a different computer and long long while after watching game grumps' playthrough. it's an interesting game but it's difficult to run without lagging a bit if you don't have a really powerful computer, and mine is pretty decent and still lagged. it's a really cool story, the characters are all really interesting and it really gives some moral dilemmas as it portrays real life issues through a futuristic, fictional way to portray what it looks like in a different format without starting a huuuge political discussion on specific issues irl. I've also completed it before but idr when and im logging the one i have on steam that i haven't finished (since i replayed it)

VERY laggy, mostly watched other people play it and I've never finished it myself. i wish i could but it destroys my computer and I'm a bit lost on what to do. i really want to play it again but I'll need a much better PC if i want to run it without it crashing or lagging heavily

learnt abt it from pyrocynical. mid community, and the guy who made it is also pretty questionable, but an INCREDIBLE horror games that's also free, never finished it, i don't think i could, but I've seen gameplay of it and it's an amazing game and i really enjoy simon's character. LOVE IT! I'll probably pick it up eventually again, but for now I'm not strong enough to face it yet </3

i really like this game. HOWEVER. its on FUCKING UBISOFT. and i HATE ubisoft and how i need to make a whole account just to play this game and i fucked it up and can't play it anymore. even though i have the game. super annoying hate ubisoft whatever. anyway moreso about the game and what I've seen of it through pyro's videos, it looks really really fun, and i really like vaas' character and I'm probably gonna get the DLC he's in for far cry 6, it dooooes have its faults though... Because Its a Ubisoft game


love this game, have cleared ONE attempt that's it tho so i count it as a finish. really like the characters and the playstyle. LOVE the characters actually. voice acting is really good. design is really good. amazing game :) love it a lot

i've played this game prior to the server shutdown and then its comeback. played it. for years. i really like the game honestly, very small community in the western space but it's really, really fun. a good cast of characters, and did get pretty far in it on my first account, but i feel like it kinda fell off with how the new game does its stuff, im a little sad about the direction it went in but hopefully, i can enjoy it again ^_^