This game is the reason why the wii was successful and it shows.

every time i played this game i was confused and did not know what was happening.

The entire half-life series is so fucking good. One of the best stories in a game. Gameplay def gets boring with the puzzles designed to make you go "source physics engine it has physics"

Rly cool game. Proximity chat should be in all games like this it’s crazy how among us doesn’t ship with it.

pikmin optimized. freaking awesome.

makes me want valve to actually make games. I think the plot, even with how shallow it is, really fit the valve storytelling vibe. Alright now valve just needs to make another portal game... or half life... that could happen... right?

came out half-baked which was disappointing. I played the first few months but with it lacking features new leaf came with made me just give up. Scratched the animal crossing itch for the switch.

So fucking cool I love how valve was able to make source engine have a completely different look and feel from their other games. The amount of character each class has in the game is unmatched.


kinda boring but insane for the time. Definitely worth watching a lore breakdown video after playing

FUCK YEAHHH WOOO. NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE GTA YET SO THIS SHIT HITS. (I like how it can corrupt your save data)

more character than city skylines. but I'm sorry city skylines had to replace you.

make me use the stylus i kill u