It's a pretty fun game in the "run foward and dodge shit" genre of games.

It's a bit immature in it's story (it comes through the language barrier) but that's kinda whatever I guess.
I just think it's insane how this game has fully animated cutscenes. Genuinely impressive.

Also holy shit this game sounds like they got Japan's greatest minds to do the soundtrack for this cus holy Fuck.

The game is alot of fun but it literally does not teach you how to play ingame. I guess if you played this when it actually first dropped u would have access to the manual that would come with the game but unfortunately for me, video games are evil and only on PC........

One of my favorite sonic games I think. Every level is pretty fun (although towards the end it gets insanely difficult) and this game in particular has the best soundtrack in any Sonic game (tied with Sonic CD).

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i like dogs too much to rate this anything lower than a 4.

Gameplay-wise, it's pretty simple and somewhat repetitive but the story is so batshit insane that it almost doesn't matter what the gameplay's like for me. There are little 2D guys called Ancs that only certain dogs can see and you're training to become the sniff master to heal your dying brother. That's just amazing.

Also, the music is surprisingly beautiful. Especially when you get to the last half of the game.

how the did i play this as a kid this game is fucked.
at least the narrator is funny.

this game makes me say the strangest things.

In my honest opinion, this is the best rhythm game period. The unique approach to playing the music using the joystick to aim for the notes allows for mastering each level to become extremely fun and satisfying. The art style is also sick as fuck holy shit.

The spinoff to the first Parappa game. The music is so much fun, and the switch from rapping to guitar, allows for more complicated rhythms to keep up with. Because of that, this ends up being the hardest game out of the 3 in the series. And I honestly like that since both Parappa 1 and 2 are honestly so easy that it's hard for me to come back to them often.
Also this game's story is so batshit insane. I love it so much.

This game is more of the same of the first Katamari game but with more varying gameplay sprinkled throughout. With each level having a different sort of objective throughout just makes the gameplay loop that I already loved in the first game even more enjoyable and addicting.

I think it's really funny how much this game refers to itself in this game, as the main story revolves around the King doing favors (or rather making The Prince do it for him) for the fans because they inflate his ego. Knowing the context in which Keita Takahashi decided to make the sequel in makes me reflect on this more, while also just being really funny.

The music is also somehow even better??? I didn't even think that was possible. The inclusion of various established music artists from Japan was a great addition that introduced me to some pretty cool artists to listen to in my daily life.

I can't believe it, they made the perfect video game.

Such a unique classic. In terms of creativity alone, no game comes close to being as fantastic as this.

The controls are so much fun. And for how strange the control scheme would seem on paper, it just works perfectly. Rolling up stuff to be the biggest I could possibly be is so fun that it can become very addicting for me.

This game's vibrant and colorful artstyle with it's eclectic soundtrack varying from strange and quirky electronic beats to the most beautiful jazz you've heard in your life, make this the most pleasant experience you can have playing a game.

The ongoing thing of the katamari being a driving force of bringing people on Earth happiness and joy is also a neat artistic touch that I love so much.

All and all a fantastic game.

A pretty cool action skating game from Team Reptile.

Throughout this review, I might use Jet Set Radio/Future as a comparison, but despite that, I think this game pretty much stands out from those games. All it really has in common is that you can skate and graffiti is involved. The story and it's themes, as well as a good chunk of it's gameplay is different from those games. I will only use those as a comparison because those are really the only skating games I've played lol.

With that out of the way, I think Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a pretty good addition to the very few amount of skating action games out there. The game has 4 different movestyles: On-Foot, Skateboard, Rollerblades, and BMX. All of these pretty much play the same (except for On-Foot. You cant grind while being on-foot). The only difference between these are pretty much rare specific things that require a specific one. The BMX just get's a fucking bike's only room which is so stupid it's pretty funny and that is enough for me to be okay with it.

Doing tricks in this game is fun. You have your 3 basic trick buttons, which allow you to do a specific trick while grinding or in the air. You can also use the slide button to hold trick combo while on ground for a bit, which makes for more enjoyable tricking and movement in these different city districts. Leaning into corners for a slight momentary boost in speed and a score multiplier also becomes a great amount of fun. After beating the game, I swiftly went back to it to see how many corners I could possibly hit in a single combo, which is surprisingly difficult.

Graffiti is also pretty fun. I would describe it as sort of a mix of how graffiti was both handled in JSR and JSRF. You basically have to make this quick and simple shape patterns with the joystick to successfully spray a spot. It makes graffiti quick and easy without sacrificing the joy of doing graffiti in the first place. On top of that, it also makes doing graffiti pretty dynamic since piece you end up doing depends on the shape pattern you do.

The main characters are alright. The only character I dislike out of the main cast is Bel. For some reason I just find her kinda boring. Her quirkiness just doesn't hit the right spot for me idk. But the unlockable characters have some of the coolest designs (i love Rave i love Rave i love Rave).

I guess that leads me to the story. Since JSR/F's story was pretty much absurd nonsense, it was great to have an actual solid story coming from this game. Although there are some elements that I would've personally touched on a bit more (like the idea that in this world, people will regularly replace their heads with cybernetic robot ones is such a cool idea but it only serves to push Red's story further), the story was engaging and had some neat twist and turns. One thing I will say is that there are few certain moments in this game that serve as a reminder that a white man has written the dialog LOL. I would put one specific moment here but I don't want any spoilers in this review lol.

The music is also amazing. Some favorites of mine would have to be Funk Express, Scraped On The Way Out, Anime Break, Precious Thing, Hair Dun Nails Dun, Bounce Upon A Time, and Agua.

Overall I found this game pretty fun. Had some fun on the couple of replays of this game I did as well. I haven't really come back to it in a while but the modding scene is so batshit insane that I would say it would be enough for any normal person to keep coming back to this game.

A more "open world" take on the classic "Jet Set Radio". If I'm being completely honest, I enjoy this way less then the first game.

To start with the positives though, I do like the change of aesthetic to a less cheery, more sort of grimy vibe. Adds an interesting edge to it that I think is pretty cool. This change in aesthetic also reflects in the music, with it gearing more towards weird electronic and overall experimental sounds. The group "The Latch Brothers" are sort of the "Deavid Soul" of this game in terms of providing alot of the games most memorable tracks.

With the more futuristic theme, the different districts and cities are way more bigger, grander, and somewhat bizarre if you think about the logistics of it too much (which is good i like that lol). With these bigger levels though, there is more of an attempted emphasis of speed. I think focusing on speed was the right call but just executed poorly. Going back to the first game for a bit, in that game, you had your rather slow normal skating, and then you can dash forward for a bit holding the right trigger, and grinding and tricking conserved your speed. Now in future, the normal dash is removed in favor of an unbelievably uncontrollable "boost dash" that goes so fast that it's almost absurd. So while skating on-ground, you are either going either at a snail's pace or at insane breakneck speeds, which makes you only want to be rails at all times. Speaking of, there has been additions to how grinding works, which sounds cool considering all you can do in the original game was pretty much just go forward with some very small things to spice it up. What was done to change things was add a trick button that makes you go at a pretty good speed. The fun of timing the button presses gets pretty old real quick though. It becomes more of a thing you just have to do to not be slow all the time, which kinda sucks.

They have also changed how graffiti works in this game. Instead of doing motions and patterns with the joystick, it has been reduced to a single button press (or maybe a few depending on the size of the graffiti). I could see why they did this, considering that with the increased size of these areas, having to do those long patterns could get tiring, but I think for me, it sort of pushes doing graffiti to the side, more of just a chore you have to do, which is weird because graffiti is like this whole series' thing lol.

All of this pales in comparison to how this game handles the police compared to the first game. In JSRF, the game will just seemingly at random throughout the story, just lock you in an enclosed area and force you take all of them out before you can get back to what you're doing. This fucking sucks and is annoying.

And since this is a sort of less linear type game, points and score are kinda meaningless now (unless you wanna unlock certain stuff). It's weird that it's even still in this game. And what's weirder is that they have the same mini games that the first game had (Jet Technique, Jet Graffiti, etc.). These side modes sort of don't really work with the designs of these areas and get boring real quick (The exceptions to this being the races, and flag capture). They are just sort of another chore to do if you wanna unlock some secret characters.

With all of that being said, I still have a sort of fondness for this game. What this game was able to achieve with, to my understanding, only like a couple months of development time, is absolutely impressive. If they had more time to let this one cook in the oven instead of being rushed to be a launch title for the XBox, I could see it being a bit more fun. But in the end, the visuals, art, and overall vibes carry this game HARD.