Painfully mediocre. You can still have a lot of fun if you play the right modes or with friends, but a lot of issues especially for a “Next Gen” game. I wouldn’t pay 70$ normally for a game, this is worth at most 35$ to me.

I have found so many ways to fuck my friends over.

Funny for me to hear their tears.

This might be the second best main series Pokémon game. Only behind B&W.

They took it in a fun direction, finally getting the open world the people have been begging for. The story is also sub-linear instead of just straight up same as the other games, which is a step in the right direction, but if they do this again I pray they just do level scaling.

The performance is very below average, I get that it’s an ambitious game especially for the Switch, it still runs poorly. Luckily at least for me, this barely hindered my experience and I enjoyed this game a lot.

Just me an the boys cookin and yelling at each other.

No sweat just blood and tears.

I love the premise of the game being just “yeah you’re gonna die one way or another.”

It’s a very awesome survival game that’s hard to get the hang of but very fun with friends as well, I enjoy playing a lot

call me fisher cause we be fishin

I am the person in the friend group that asked to turn collision on then fucks everyone over. It brings me joy hearing them scream.

I’ll be honest, I have never played a dragon quest before this one. But this one was great. Combat was intuitive, story was above average, I had fun with the game. I decided to pick it up since it was on gamepass and didn’t regret it.

Had fun with this RPG, good representation of the genre.

Fun horror coop game I will always be coming back to.

Simple, goofy puzzle game. Not much else to say.

I wish I liked this game. I don't think it has very much going for it however. It does not have very much depth, and is a very mediocre dungeon crawler at best. There is some cool stuff, but mainly just has nothing extraordinary.

This game is straight up charming.

Done originally by almost a one man show, Toby Fox did really well on this game. The music is peak, the characters are interesting and different from one another, and the story can go a lot deeper if you really look into it.

Not gonna say too much cause game was so much better the first 2 or 3 blind runs through, just don’t let the weird shitty side of the fandom scare you away.

My first Pokémon game, also my favorite. I think this is the best Gen and the remakes only made it better. Music is awesome, all the added Pokémon are awesome with a few exceptions, just a charming Pokémon game.


Haven’t fully completed but will eventually pick up. Amazing rouge like which is unique and mixes mythology with an addictive and interesting style of gameplay. Will definitely finish soon.

Definitely better with friends, would be bored out of my mind if I played alone.
Goofy movement system makes it funny, but also a pain in the ass at some points.
Cool thing about the game is there are a bunch of solutions to puzzles, you can cheat pretty much every level but it does encourage that at some points.
Overall, fun game with friends.