and I thought EAFC 24 was bad...

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The story and missions are absolutely brilliant. The boss fights were done really well, although I wish the boss bar was done better. It should've shown the actual health of the boss you're fighting for the whole fight, not just that 1 phase (like how it is in pretty much 90% of other games lol). The Scream fight caught me completely off guard and was definitely one of the highlights of the game.

My biggest complaint though is how buggy this was during my playthrough. Obviously I played day 1 but even with the day 1 patch I had multiple crashes (one time during the venom escaping oscorp cutscene which was a massive buzzkill), had multiple enemies go OOB (happened to peter during the fight against him, again massive buzzkill), and just had a plethora of weird glitches and bugs which I really didn't expect from Insomniac of all people...

Still a very good game and after there have been a couple more patches I'd highly recommend anyone with a PS5 pick it up. Not game of the year but definitely a contender.

It's actually insane how unbelievably bad EA are at making games.

Nintendo the only mf's that could make a sequel to my absolute favourite game of all time and make me question if it's my favourite game of all time anymore.

I've got so much to say about this game. Maybe one day I'll write a proper review for it.

I mean it's Minecraft so it's still rly good, but Microsoft rly gotta stop being Microsoft man. The amount of micro transactions and paid "dlc" in this game which you still have to pay $30 for is absolutely atrocious... Especially since it's targeted towards kids...

Only reason this is a 10 is because of the hundreds of Arthur x Dutch fan fictions I've read.

Who knew a game where all you do is watch plastic ducks not do anything could be so entertaining.

I've played this game for thousands of hours across at least a dozen different versions and yet I still haven't beaten the ender dragon so I technically haven't "completed" the game lmao

Massive free surprise update to an already packed game. Just a shame a lot of content is essentially locked behind a paywall.

Second best before New Leaf. New Leaf is in a league of it's own tbh just because of how much it meant to me in my early teens but this meant a lot to me in my late teens/early adulthood when my anxiety was rly bad so I hold it in pretty high regard. It also just so happened to also come out exactly when everybody needed an escape to a deserted island so that puts it in an even higher regard.

Only reason it's not a 10 is because the tool breaking system is completely unnecessary ESPECIALLY FOR GOLDEN TOOLS! Like I've already caught all the fish and my reward for doing so is a shinier fishing rod that still breaks? I'VE ALREADY CAUGHT ALL THE FISH WHY WOULD IT MATTER IF IT DOESN'T BREAK??? Besides that it's a fantastic game and was the perfect escape during 2020 and 2021 during possibly the darkest point in my life. Thank you for keeping me sane Nintendo.

The greatest shooter of all time imho

This game kicks ass while high.

something about exaggerated swagger