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12 days ago

nestedcrow reviewed Citizen Sleeper
beautiful blades in the dark-inspired game. the future is full of hope but it hurts to see your friends leave

12 days ago

12 days ago

nestedcrow reviewed Norco
up there with kentucky route zero and night in the woods as a region-hyperspecific ludic haunting. vibes are when you have to go to work in the apocalypse

12 days ago

nestedcrow followed CrysBis

12 days ago

nestedcrow reviewed Celeste
hearing the drums kick in in chapter 2 changed something in me

12 days ago

nestedcrow earned the Noticed badge

12 days ago

nestedcrow reviewed Paper Mario: Sticker Star
i remember playing this as a kid and calling nintendo customer support to ask how to beat the game cause the final level's overworld icon remained red/incomplete even after i beat bowser

12 days ago

nestedcrow followed jirafman

12 days ago

12 days ago

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